Friday, August 30, 2013

Is your Money Cursed?

You are cursed with a curse; for you have robbed Me. Mal3:9

If you stole from me and I knew, would you then ask me to do you a favor? If you stole from me and my money was in your bank account and then you asked to borrow more money, what do you think I would say? If my children are irresponsible with small things like a goldfish, would I be responsible to then trust them with bigger things like a dog?

God has ordained principals. There are laws like gravity, like entropy, like you reap the seed you sow. These laws dictate physical realities but also spiritual truths. If you want God to bless your finances you cannot just pray. You must act according to His laws. It is like gravity. If you want a ball to fall down, don’t pray, throw it up and the law of gravity will pull it down. If you want God to bless you bank account, give some of it to Him. The Law of Moses required a tenth or a tithe. But even before the law Abraham tithed to God. The principal has always been at work in the universe.

Some years ago a youth from a poor single mother household asked if I would pray for their finances. I was about to pray but then something was impressed on my heart. “You honor God. You tithe. Whether it is ten cents on a dollar or two dollars on your birthday card twenty. You be the man of the house and act in accordance to God’s principals.” He did and God did. “I don’t know how but I always have money now,” he soon after stated. Shortly latter he would be blessed with two jobs and a college scholarship.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for His promises. As we are faithful to tithe He is faithful to keep His promise.
