Saturday, August 10, 2013

Free to Resist

“You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you do always resist the Holy Spirit as your fathers did.” Act7:51

                The freedom of choice is the freedom to resist.

When I was a boy in elementary school a girl had a crush on me. Her name was Hanna. She would pursue me. She would try to get in the same group or table, she would turn red and I would turn red. Her friends would hand me notes and tell me to talk to her. Every day there was some attempt. But I was embarrassed and not interested. I would avoid her. I would not even read her notes. I stayed out of her groups. I resisted her. This hurt her feelings. She tried to befriend me and I did not want to, naturally she was hurt. She had hoped, she had tried, and it came to nothing but rejection. This is how many treat the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit has all the attributes of personhood. He has a will, “He distributes the gifts as He wills.” He is called by the personal pronoun “He.” He has emotions like “the joy of the Spirit” or “grieve not the Spirit.” He communicates all through the Bible, especially the book of Acts. This person of the Godhead is trying to get into a relationship with you. Are you resisting Him?

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