Friday, August 23, 2013

We Don't Lose Heart

We do not lose heart. 2cor4:1

                I have been a pastor for just over 8 years. In that time I have had lots people help me with the church we started, Riverside Christian Assembly. Many have come, many have gone. I would like to say that most that left did so for great reasons; school, military service, help another ministry, or job promotion, but that is not the truth. Most leave because they lose heart.

                They have no “root in themselves.” It is easy to start but hard to finish. I have celebrated the leaving of a few members of the congregation; I wish I could celebrate all those that move from us. But some leave without honor but most leave without a noise. They slip out. They just stop showing up.

                I am not a pastor because I am a good preacher. I am a pastor because I will not quit. There has yet to be a day when I thought of quitting the ministry. In fact, the opposite. On bad Mondays, I get studying and calling for next week. Sadness motivates me to do better. I have a source that strengthens my heart, the word of God and the Spirit of God. Daily I read and daily I pray in tongues. These have sustained, better yet, these have elevated me.

                Many leave churches because “they don’t get fed.” How weak! Who feeds me? Or am I a baby? I say; “they just lack heart.” It is your heart. How much do you have? Are you quick to quit? Are you running out? Then get a refill.   

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