Sunday, August 18, 2013

I'm Going Fishing

Peter said to them; “I am going fishing.” Jn21:3

                The great danger in life is that we live in our comfort zone. Peter was called by Jesus several times. Several times he went back to fishing. Jesus knew where to find him. It was predictable. We would naturally assume Peter was a good fisherman but on two occasions we see him fishing all night with not a one catch. In the presence of Jesus his old passion is unsuccessful; his old business was useless without Jesus.

                Too often it is what we are good at that holds us back from what God has for us. A soccer league plays on Sundays; we miss church because the team needs us. Extra hours at work take us from God’s house. A camping trip or a boat outing take us from corporate worship. Fellowship with the brethren is replaced but another work day.

                Peter had backslid. Not to what was so grossly evil but to what was grossly familiar. What are the everyday pleasures that keep you from God? “I got to take me time,” “I got to make a living,” “I don’t like to be out of my comfort zone,” all these are natural excuses. But at the end of the day, Jesus beckons us for more.  Jesus calls us away from our relaxation. He takes what we are good at and rearranges it for the Kingdom. Peter would become a fisher of souls, a fisher of men.

                “Woe to those that are at ease in Zion.” I am challenged to tell more people about Jesus. To come across strangers and discuss what God has done in my life, then invite them to church, maybe hand them a track before I go. I want to not do what I want to do. I want to get out of my comfort and be more useful to the Kingdom of God. Are you with me?

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