Monday, August 26, 2013

More is Less

He rose from the table laid aside his garments and took a towel and girded Himself. Jn13:4

                This illustrates the incarnation. God became a man. Jesus laid aside all that it was to be God. God is all knowing, yet Jesus said; “no one knows when the Son of man will return.” God does not thirst or hunger, yet Jesus not only thirsted on the cross and hungered after He fasted, He needed sleep. God is everywhere, Jesus was confined to a body. God cannot die, yet Jesus died on the cross. Jesus laid aside His deity.

                Jesus became less by putting on. He put on the raiment of a slave. This addition was a subtraction. You loose air in the cup when you fill it with water. Jesus is teaching the disciples how the Kingdom of God works. You are called to serve. You must put off your rights. We should lay aside our power to help ourselves until we have helped others.

                Jesus leads from the front. He demonstrates servanthood so we should follow. No one has ever or will ever give up as much as Jesus did for someone else. This is the new commandment, “to love as He loved.” Stop claiming your privileges and help others. Take off your position and get your hands dirty.

                At church, this could be coming a few minutes early and helping to clean or set up. At home it is doing the chores unasked. At work it may be giving someone a ride or doing extra to make someone’s day easier. Look for chances to be a servant. You will be happier and life will be better.

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