Friday, August 16, 2013

God's love IN THAT

For God so loved the world IN THAT He sent His only begotten Son... Jn3:16

God demonstrated His love by giving His Son Jesus. Love does. Love gives. “God so loved the world IN THAT He gave His only begotten.” Many forget the “in that.” “In this is love manifested that Jesus died for us,” God’s love is that He already proved it. It is past and still active but the reason we say “God is love” is because what He did through Jesus.

A man at my church brings donuts every Sunday. All are welcome to consume. One Sunday I went to pick up a troubled youth. As I approached the door I heard him arguing with his mother; “You can’t go to church today. Your on punishment.” “How can you say that? You don’t love me. You don’t even feed me. There is a man at church. He loves me. He gets me a donut every week.” How was he loved? IN THAT someone had gave him a gift. The same gift was available for all. It was simple of matter of receiving it.

Recognizing what exactingly that means “God loved” “in that He gave” specifies His love. It is for those who receive it. What an offense to those that don’t believe it, they will perish. All are loved the same IN THAT they have the same blood bought them. “In that” no love could be greater. But to say; “God loves all the same whether they believe or not” most be qualified.

Gods love is proven. It is sufficient for all, yet all efficient for all who believe.

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