Sunday, August 11, 2013

Comfort to Comfort

God comforts us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble. 1Cor1:4

                Trouble is guaranteed in life. “In the world you will have tribulation.” In fact, hard times are a sure promise to every Christian. “All who desire to live godly will suffer” and “it has been appointed for you not only to believe but to suffer.” Few of these verses make Hallmark cards, but they are true.

                The good news is not that we suffer but that we have a comforter. If we were of the world, the world would love us, but because we are not of this world it hates us. If we are God, then God loves us. The hurt we feel gives God an opportunity to heal us. By our pain, God is revealed. There is nothing more important than knowing God as He is.

                We are comforted to be a comfort. You’re feeling better is not an end in itself, it leads to something better. “It is better to give than receive.” You becoming whole is necessary to aiding others in their journey to wholeness. Pass it on. Give what you have been given.

                In life, you can be part of a circle of blessing or a circle of destruction. He can encourage others and they will be glad to encourage you. You can cheer for them and know in turn they will be your fan. Or you can discourage others knowing they are awaiting the opportunity to get back at you. You can boo them and listen to the crowd when you make a mistake. Show God is good, by giving what He has given you to others.

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