Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Holy Spirit Conviction

“And when the Holy Spirit comes He will convict the world of sin, judgment and righteousness.” Jn16:8

                You know a few things deep in your soul. Every person is under the working of the Spirit. You know when you do wrong. But the greatest wrong is in not believing. Do you know the only sin that condemns a man to Hell? Unbelief. Christ died for every sin if you will ask for forgiveness. It is only refused you if you have not the faith to ask.

                Naturally people have a fear of death. A lifetime of bondage is thinking about what comes after? The Holy Spirit convicts of the judgment to come. Why is what you do wrong if it doesn’t hurt anybody else? Why would you feel guilty? Because it is an offense to your Creator. You are His masterful artwork and your rebellion demonstrates unworthiness and you know it. We all know it.

                Have you ever heard that voice deep inside yourself that said; “you can do better”? This too is the work of the Spirit. He is telling you, you can be right with God. He is telling you that you can live a better life. You can be justified. Life can be balanced. It can be lived properly as God intended. The conviction is to get you on the right path. God is calling you from the inside out.

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