Thursday, August 15, 2013

God is Love

God is love.1jn4:8

So simple, so profound, the essence of God revealed in a verb. To love is to give. It means to sacrifice. To commit. Love never fails, love never fades, it never quits.

Maybe that is why we are here. I mean, perhaps that is why humanity exist. Love demands another. Love cannot exist in isolation. This is one argument for the Trinity. That God being love required another to love. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit co-existing for eternity, love could be shared between them. Maybe God wanted more. For no reason other than he desired more than Himself to receive love by. So He created us.

Often I am asked about the “problem of evil,” if God is good then why is their evil. Is He not powerful enough? Then He is not God. Is He powerful enough but not good? Here is my answer; “It is because God is love. Love requires a choice. It is not love if it is forced or automatic. The love of God gave freedom to man that we might truly love Him in return.” It is not a lack of Gods power or goodness that allows evil, it is mankind that choses it.

The saddest thing in all of life is love unreturned. The saddest thing in all the eons is God’s love unreturned. So because God is love do you love Him? If so how is that expressed?

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