Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Know One Book

The priests lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth. Mal2:7

                The role of the preacher is to speak for the Lord. Congregates should come to him for wisdom. His opinion should simply be the word of God. To study one book, the scripture, and then interpret all of life through that lens is the role of the minister.

                We should speak the word of God. It must be applied to our daily life. I have found that much of it impacts my attitude. There are religions with word for word memorization. At certain times or in certain situations they recite a prayer x amount of times and think they will conjure up God. That is not what I mean. The scriptures must penetrate my heart. They must be digested by my mind. They will give me nutrients and building blocks and become me. They must be my “life coach,” my decision making guide.

                We have the answers. “I don’t know what you should do,” is no longer an acceptable answer. I have the answer key. It is a matter of have I read it and do I know how to apply it? Determine in your heart that you will be one that keeps the word of God on your lips. Pray that each day others will come to you to seek Gods wisdom. I’ll be praying too.

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