Thursday, August 29, 2013

Will Jesus Stand for you?

…And he saw Gods glory and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Act7:55

Stephen’s last glimpse on Earth was his most glorious. He saw Jesus stand. Think of that. Almighty God watching the death of one of His servants and standing. The Heavenly, ascended, glorified body of Jesus rose. Energy, if there is energy in the spiritual realm, was used to welcome His son home.

Will God stand for you? Is there anything that you do that is worthy of such attention from our Lord? Perhaps “worthy” is not a fair word. Is there anything that you do that so “pleases” Him?

Dying is not great. It is our conclusion. All of life is worth that one glimpse. Stephen finished well. I wonder what all of Heaven did in that moment. Did the angels think He was going to make his triumphant return? I can picture the mighty angelic warriors passing our swords and spears. I can see them grabbing the trumpet, ready to herald in the new era. “This is it!” they must have shouted. “No, Jesus is just standing to welcome His beloved Stephen.” Would have come the surprising response.

Jesus is watching. He cares. Live to please Him. Die to see Him.

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