Tuesday, August 6, 2013

When I die

To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. 2cor5:8

                When I die I will immediately enter the presence of God. I know God now. I walk with Him. When I die our relationship will come to its fullness. There is continuality. Never will I be without God.

                A friend of mine began a relationship through the internet. He lived in the states and she lived in South America. They typed back and forth. Then exchanged numbers and talked to no end on the phone. They sent each other pictures. They were in love. Finally he left to meet her in person. They returned a married couple! But he knew her before his eyes saw her. Likewise, I know God and look forward to embracing Him.

                There is no purgatory. There is no longer a waiting place for the Christian. It is without break. There are some that say; “in death we sleep until the resurrection.” I do not know how they handle this passage. Or where it says; “He returns with 10,000 of His saints.” My confidence is in the moment of my death I am with Jesus. The thief on the cross certainly didn’t wait long to enter paradise.

                The test is this life. This is the game time, there are no extra innings or overtime. All the chances a person gets are during this life. Are you excited to see God or terrified? Do you know you go from a life with God to a better life with God? Your moment will come.

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