Sunday, September 1, 2013

Get Mad

The Holy Spirit came upon Saul and he became angry. 1sam11:6

A very nice pastor once told me it is never ok for a Christian man to be angry. I was quick to disagree. I am no Ned Flanders. “Show me one place the Bible says it is alright to show anger.” That was easy for there are many of them. “Be angry….and sin not.” Not to mention the above passage. I then asked him; “who gets angry the most in the scripture?” He hesitated to answer. I smiled. Is it not God Himself?

Anger is but a fuel. It is neutral. Motivation is not wrong in and of itself. Even more than why are you angry is what will you do with your anger? Is gasoline wrong, how about hydroelectricity? Neither of course. Feelings are neutral, it is by our words and actions that we are judged.

Saul needed to act. He needed to rally the army. He needed to wage a difficult war. For such a task, God gave Him divine anger. This feeling of anger was a direct result of the Holy Spirit coming upon Him.

Good men are not good if they are not angered at grave evil. What makes you mad? Do not feel guilty for your feelings. Some are angry at a dead beat dad or an alcoholic mother, that is worthy of angst. As you inspect why you feel angry, be more concerned with how it affects you and what you do with it. Saul set his people free. He served others. What will you do? Who will be helped by your anger?

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