Monday, September 30, 2013

Spreading Power

When they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit. For as yet He was fallen upon none of them, only they were baptized in the name of Jesus. Act8:15-16

It is not enough to be born again or water baptized. There is more. Evidence of God’s favor upon the Samaritans was the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That is not to say that they were not already saved. It is to say there is more than salvation. God revealed He was moving and confirming new people groups by demonstrating His Spirit upon them.

How much of God do you want? Do you want the minimum? Or do you want everything He wants to give you?

The Power of the Spirit was transferable. Those that had the power of the Holy Spirit laid hands on them and they received. A disease spreads by contact, occasionally at proximity. Do you have this power? If not, let me know, I will pray, others with it can lay a hand on you. If you do, who have you given it to?

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