Friday, September 20, 2013

Get Everything

Having nothing yet possessing everything. 2cor6:11

                The rich man that has Christ has no more than the poor man that has Christ. For both have Christ. And Christ is everything…

                In Jesus is the fullness of God. All exist in Christ. All was made for Him, by Him and through Him.

                A man with a great imagination has nothing. He cannot hold it. He cannot keep it. It is not measurable or tangible. It cannot be quantified. That is wealth in this life. The spirit cannot hold it or keep it or measure it. If the spirit is all that is eternal in a person all else is unimportant.

                The thief has no concept of true value. They taint their eternal soul for a temporal material that they can’t keep. 

                If you want everything, get Christ. Joy, peace, forgiveness, love and all manner of goodness is in Him. In the age to come, we are joint heirs with Jesus. He shares everything with us for all eternity. Get everything. Get Christ.  

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