Thursday, September 5, 2013

God wants you to get Good Sleep

If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Pro3:24

Here is a promise for every night of your life, for every 20 minute power nap and 5 minute dozer. God assures us that we will have good rest.

Sadly there are many, many restless Christians. Stop believing your old habits have any power over you. Some say; “well I never slept well.” Well good friend, a lot has changed. The fear of death and Hell, the guilt and shame of your sin should have kept you up. You were under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and a slave to sin. But now, you trust God. What is on your mind? What is so pressing to take precious sleep?

God rested. He did this as a pattern for us to follow. Be godly, sleep well. If you are one that does not sleep well, take a few minutes and memorize this verse. Read the chapter over and over. Write down any fears or stresses you have. Tell God He can deal with them tonight or the two of you will deal with them in the morning. Rest is serious business. Invite God to be involved. Good sleep demonstrates your trust in God. He wants you to have a good night’s sleep.

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