Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Living Long

Honor your father and mother and it will go well with you. Ex20:12
     The secrete to a long life is honor. This commandment is the first one to carry a promise attached. It is not only right to honor our parents, there is a specific blessing for doing so.
     To honor is to esteem, to fix a high price upon. It means it matters. If you held out both arms straight and I put a brick in your left hand and a feather in your right. Your left arm would soon understand honor. It is what you are mindful of. It is where you spend your time and effort.
     Think for a moment on how you can fulfill this great promise. How can you honor your parents today? Maybe it is a phone call or a chore, perhaps a letter or gift. People love getting cards not because of the art or the folded paper but because it shows honor. It shows you took time and effort for their happiness.
     Honor should be associated with obedience and excellence. If we honor others, we listen to them. IF we honor others we live so our commonalities are uplifted. When a basketball player gets into an on court altercation some will say; "he dishonored his school." All those that same logo, all those that have a lot of commonality shake their heads that he represents them. However, a winning team that shows class is said to; "honor their school." All those with that same logo, all those that have a lot of commonality clap their hands.
     Live an honorable life. Make your parents proud. God sees and God will reward.

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