Homiletics is the method of
preaching. It is a systematic way of disseminating information in a public
Key Scriptures
2tim4:2 Preach the word in season and out.
Jesus did not teach without a parable.
1tim4:13 Give attention to the public
reading of the word, preaching and teaching.
Key Questions answered
What kind of sermons does
your pastor preach?
Should it be difficult to
understand the minister’s sermons?
Our Homiletic
RCA uses a “Three point exegetical”
method of preaching. This is the frame of the Sunday sermons. Three points
meaning there is one main idea broken down into three major points. Generally
these three points are further broken down into three minor points. This
provides the skeleton for each message. Sermons should not be difficult to
understand if the points are articulate and well thought out. Often they are
written in a clever or similar sounding way as to be memorable. It should be
like eating thanksgiving dinner, each dish is clear, separate, fits into the
meal, and delicious.
Exegetical is most important. Exegetical
means to “pull out of.” We originate each message is a text. This is the
difference between us and most popular preaching which starts with a topic or
story. Using proper “Hermeneutics” we dissect the history, grammar and
context to gain proper understanding. We pull out of so that we are agreeing
with what the Bible says.
A few rules
Every sermon needs at
least one good point.
Always have a text. Start
with the text. Then cross reference and lastly illustrate.
Use lots of illustrations.
It makes things relatable and simple. This is how Jesus taught.
Danger of bad
With bad homiletics the issue
is weak sermons or convoluted messages. When people walk away from a service
and don’t understand the preachers point or think it is not worth applying this
is often a reflection of the homiletics of the minister.
Other Homiletics
Topical- this is where the speaker starts with a topic. They
will generally use a systematic method of study. This will seem to have many
text or no text but not one main text in which the history and context is taken
into account.
Story- this is where the speaker starts with a story. Generally
something that happened to them or something cleaver they heard. The entire
message is then build with that as the frame rather than a Biblical text.
As evangelicals we believe the
Bible is the word of God. As such, no other source or experience is on its
level. Therefore all preaching must start with the Bible. We are to have Gods
content as our content. Three points are used to help communicate the exegesis.
Driving it
Take a few
minutes and see if you can give a reasonable answer to the questions we started
What kind of sermons does
your pastor preach?
Should it be difficult to
understand the minister’s sermons?
If you
can’t answer these questions, what further information is needed?
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