Friday, August 30, 2013

Is your Money Cursed?

You are cursed with a curse; for you have robbed Me. Mal3:9

If you stole from me and I knew, would you then ask me to do you a favor? If you stole from me and my money was in your bank account and then you asked to borrow more money, what do you think I would say? If my children are irresponsible with small things like a goldfish, would I be responsible to then trust them with bigger things like a dog?

God has ordained principals. There are laws like gravity, like entropy, like you reap the seed you sow. These laws dictate physical realities but also spiritual truths. If you want God to bless your finances you cannot just pray. You must act according to His laws. It is like gravity. If you want a ball to fall down, don’t pray, throw it up and the law of gravity will pull it down. If you want God to bless you bank account, give some of it to Him. The Law of Moses required a tenth or a tithe. But even before the law Abraham tithed to God. The principal has always been at work in the universe.

Some years ago a youth from a poor single mother household asked if I would pray for their finances. I was about to pray but then something was impressed on my heart. “You honor God. You tithe. Whether it is ten cents on a dollar or two dollars on your birthday card twenty. You be the man of the house and act in accordance to God’s principals.” He did and God did. “I don’t know how but I always have money now,” he soon after stated. Shortly latter he would be blessed with two jobs and a college scholarship.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Will Jesus Stand for you?

…And he saw Gods glory and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Act7:55

Stephen’s last glimpse on Earth was his most glorious. He saw Jesus stand. Think of that. Almighty God watching the death of one of His servants and standing. The Heavenly, ascended, glorified body of Jesus rose. Energy, if there is energy in the spiritual realm, was used to welcome His son home.

Will God stand for you? Is there anything that you do that is worthy of such attention from our Lord? Perhaps “worthy” is not a fair word. Is there anything that you do that so “pleases” Him?

Dying is not great. It is our conclusion. All of life is worth that one glimpse. Stephen finished well. I wonder what all of Heaven did in that moment. Did the angels think He was going to make his triumphant return? I can picture the mighty angelic warriors passing our swords and spears. I can see them grabbing the trumpet, ready to herald in the new era. “This is it!” they must have shouted. “No, Jesus is just standing to welcome His beloved Stephen.” Would have come the surprising response.

Jesus is watching. He cares. Live to please Him. Die to see Him.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Holy Spirit Conviction

“And when the Holy Spirit comes He will convict the world of sin, judgment and righteousness.” Jn16:8

                You know a few things deep in your soul. Every person is under the working of the Spirit. You know when you do wrong. But the greatest wrong is in not believing. Do you know the only sin that condemns a man to Hell? Unbelief. Christ died for every sin if you will ask for forgiveness. It is only refused you if you have not the faith to ask.

                Naturally people have a fear of death. A lifetime of bondage is thinking about what comes after? The Holy Spirit convicts of the judgment to come. Why is what you do wrong if it doesn’t hurt anybody else? Why would you feel guilty? Because it is an offense to your Creator. You are His masterful artwork and your rebellion demonstrates unworthiness and you know it. We all know it.

                Have you ever heard that voice deep inside yourself that said; “you can do better”? This too is the work of the Spirit. He is telling you, you can be right with God. He is telling you that you can live a better life. You can be justified. Life can be balanced. It can be lived properly as God intended. The conviction is to get you on the right path. God is calling you from the inside out.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


But these are written, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life through His name. Jn20:31

                The purpose of John’s gospel is to bring us to believing in Jesus. He is not concerned with inspiring us or making us better versions of ourselves. All he wants is to convince us that Jesus is who He said. It God that must enter us that we can be born again.

                Believing is the work that God wants us to do. Repentance follows faith. Good deeds follow expectations. When you see the goal in your mind, then you begin to go after it. It is simple. It is the same in all of life. You believe in the words in your mind before they leave your mouth. You believe the car will start before you turn it on. You believe a link will take you to a website before you click it. Action follows faith.

                More important than sincerity is the object of our belief. It is far better to have a little faith in thick ice than a lot of faith in thin ice. You may move slowly on one but you will die on the other. I have heard people negatively compare the faith of some Christians to what I consider cults. “Look how dedicated they are. They fast more. Sacrifice their lives. Give their time to go door to door or give a larger amount of money.” But a dedication to something does not make that something, something great. It is what it is. John is not moving us to more dedication. He wants us to know the content of our belief. From there we cannot but give our all. Do you believe? Do you know you have eternal life?

Monday, August 26, 2013

More is Less

He rose from the table laid aside his garments and took a towel and girded Himself. Jn13:4

                This illustrates the incarnation. God became a man. Jesus laid aside all that it was to be God. God is all knowing, yet Jesus said; “no one knows when the Son of man will return.” God does not thirst or hunger, yet Jesus not only thirsted on the cross and hungered after He fasted, He needed sleep. God is everywhere, Jesus was confined to a body. God cannot die, yet Jesus died on the cross. Jesus laid aside His deity.

                Jesus became less by putting on. He put on the raiment of a slave. This addition was a subtraction. You loose air in the cup when you fill it with water. Jesus is teaching the disciples how the Kingdom of God works. You are called to serve. You must put off your rights. We should lay aside our power to help ourselves until we have helped others.

                Jesus leads from the front. He demonstrates servanthood so we should follow. No one has ever or will ever give up as much as Jesus did for someone else. This is the new commandment, “to love as He loved.” Stop claiming your privileges and help others. Take off your position and get your hands dirty.

                At church, this could be coming a few minutes early and helping to clean or set up. At home it is doing the chores unasked. At work it may be giving someone a ride or doing extra to make someone’s day easier. Look for chances to be a servant. You will be happier and life will be better.

Friday, August 23, 2013

We Don't Lose Heart

We do not lose heart. 2cor4:1

                I have been a pastor for just over 8 years. In that time I have had lots people help me with the church we started, Riverside Christian Assembly. Many have come, many have gone. I would like to say that most that left did so for great reasons; school, military service, help another ministry, or job promotion, but that is not the truth. Most leave because they lose heart.

                They have no “root in themselves.” It is easy to start but hard to finish. I have celebrated the leaving of a few members of the congregation; I wish I could celebrate all those that move from us. But some leave without honor but most leave without a noise. They slip out. They just stop showing up.

                I am not a pastor because I am a good preacher. I am a pastor because I will not quit. There has yet to be a day when I thought of quitting the ministry. In fact, the opposite. On bad Mondays, I get studying and calling for next week. Sadness motivates me to do better. I have a source that strengthens my heart, the word of God and the Spirit of God. Daily I read and daily I pray in tongues. These have sustained, better yet, these have elevated me.

                Many leave churches because “they don’t get fed.” How weak! Who feeds me? Or am I a baby? I say; “they just lack heart.” It is your heart. How much do you have? Are you quick to quit? Are you running out? Then get a refill.   

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Time Apart to Change

For perhaps he therefore departed for a season, that you should receive him forever. Phil1:15

                People need to change. Sometimes there needs to be a separation to allow that change.

It is difficult to let them go. Even my six year daughter going to school was hard. There is a part of my pride that says; “I can teach her everything she needs. She will be safer and better educated with me.” But there are aspects of her education I can’t give her.

I have seen young men go to jail and change for the better. I have seen drug addicted kids locked out and eventually change. Sometimes you have to be away from home or what is familiar to be broken. Paul, speaking of church disciple said it like this; “hand such a one over to Satan that their flesh may be consumed but their soul would be saved.” Fire is a cleansing agent because it separates. Different substances have different burning points. Bacteria and pollutants die quickly.

Don’t intervene in Gods discipline. He isolates people. He strips them of all that is blessing. He allows prodigals to stoop in the filth and go eye to eye with swine. As you pray for others to come to Jesus, don’t be surprised if they are humbled before they come.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Giving your Worst

You offer the blind for your sacrifice and you say; “is it not evil?” Mal1:8

                In the early days of our church, the offering was very low. I remember a poor young man who would put a one dollar bill in and take two quarters back out. “I want to get a Snickers bar on the way home,” he explained. That is a tough one to a new church. The chocolate bar is beating out the Word.

                While it is humorous that someone brakes a dollar for a candy in the church offering. The same attitude is very prevalent. People often search through their wallet and feel guilty if they don’t put something in. so they often give what will hurt them the least.

                If you were going to meet a King, you would bring him a gift. Would you take your pocket lent and a few bottoms? Maybe a cool rock you found along the way? Then hastily grab an old news paper to wrap it in? Of course not. Then why do we give God our least?

                Not just in money, but in all things. Think of your time. Do you give the TV more time than you give God? Think of your conversations, do you spend more words on sports and the weather or on Jesus? Think of the space in your heart. Do you day dream of God or earthly things? Where your treasure is, there your heart will follow.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


“Where is the God of Judgment?” Mal2:17

                The God of judgment is mercifully waiting. He is in Heaven. His eyes upon all things. If He were to exercise His wrath, which He will, it would be the end. Literally, that is how the world ends.

                Some mock. They question God. “Where is He?” “Why does He let bad things happen to good people?” “If God is so good why did He let my Grandma die?” Silly questions from silly minds. He is giving you a chance. Why do you let bad things happen to good people? Better yet, why do bad people do bad things. What has that to do with God? And your Grandma died because that is the nature of this cursed life. All die. That is grace, that is a gift. This life is too harsh to live forever. There needs to be an exit. But mocking will not get you out of your appointment. The moment you die you will know the answer to; “Where is the God of Judgment?” Because He will be right in front of you!

                You will answer for everything or Christ will take your sins. Those that call evil things good will have to convince God that they are good. Good luck. To say there is no God is only wishful thinking to those who fear accountability. To say there is no God is like saying there is no death. You will see.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

I'm Going Fishing

Peter said to them; “I am going fishing.” Jn21:3

                The great danger in life is that we live in our comfort zone. Peter was called by Jesus several times. Several times he went back to fishing. Jesus knew where to find him. It was predictable. We would naturally assume Peter was a good fisherman but on two occasions we see him fishing all night with not a one catch. In the presence of Jesus his old passion is unsuccessful; his old business was useless without Jesus.

                Too often it is what we are good at that holds us back from what God has for us. A soccer league plays on Sundays; we miss church because the team needs us. Extra hours at work take us from God’s house. A camping trip or a boat outing take us from corporate worship. Fellowship with the brethren is replaced but another work day.

                Peter had backslid. Not to what was so grossly evil but to what was grossly familiar. What are the everyday pleasures that keep you from God? “I got to take me time,” “I got to make a living,” “I don’t like to be out of my comfort zone,” all these are natural excuses. But at the end of the day, Jesus beckons us for more.  Jesus calls us away from our relaxation. He takes what we are good at and rearranges it for the Kingdom. Peter would become a fisher of souls, a fisher of men.

                “Woe to those that are at ease in Zion.” I am challenged to tell more people about Jesus. To come across strangers and discuss what God has done in my life, then invite them to church, maybe hand them a track before I go. I want to not do what I want to do. I want to get out of my comfort and be more useful to the Kingdom of God. Are you with me?

Friday, August 16, 2013

God's love IN THAT

For God so loved the world IN THAT He sent His only begotten Son... Jn3:16

God demonstrated His love by giving His Son Jesus. Love does. Love gives. “God so loved the world IN THAT He gave His only begotten.” Many forget the “in that.” “In this is love manifested that Jesus died for us,” God’s love is that He already proved it. It is past and still active but the reason we say “God is love” is because what He did through Jesus.

A man at my church brings donuts every Sunday. All are welcome to consume. One Sunday I went to pick up a troubled youth. As I approached the door I heard him arguing with his mother; “You can’t go to church today. Your on punishment.” “How can you say that? You don’t love me. You don’t even feed me. There is a man at church. He loves me. He gets me a donut every week.” How was he loved? IN THAT someone had gave him a gift. The same gift was available for all. It was simple of matter of receiving it.

Recognizing what exactingly that means “God loved” “in that He gave” specifies His love. It is for those who receive it. What an offense to those that don’t believe it, they will perish. All are loved the same IN THAT they have the same blood bought them. “In that” no love could be greater. But to say; “God loves all the same whether they believe or not” most be qualified.

Gods love is proven. It is sufficient for all, yet all efficient for all who believe.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

God is Love

God is love.1jn4:8

So simple, so profound, the essence of God revealed in a verb. To love is to give. It means to sacrifice. To commit. Love never fails, love never fades, it never quits.

Maybe that is why we are here. I mean, perhaps that is why humanity exist. Love demands another. Love cannot exist in isolation. This is one argument for the Trinity. That God being love required another to love. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit co-existing for eternity, love could be shared between them. Maybe God wanted more. For no reason other than he desired more than Himself to receive love by. So He created us.

Often I am asked about the “problem of evil,” if God is good then why is their evil. Is He not powerful enough? Then He is not God. Is He powerful enough but not good? Here is my answer; “It is because God is love. Love requires a choice. It is not love if it is forced or automatic. The love of God gave freedom to man that we might truly love Him in return.” It is not a lack of Gods power or goodness that allows evil, it is mankind that choses it.

The saddest thing in all of life is love unreturned. The saddest thing in all the eons is God’s love unreturned. So because God is love do you love Him? If so how is that expressed?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Aroma of Death

To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. 2cor2:16

                In ancient Rome there would be a parade for victorious generals. It would be a grand celebration. Thousands would line the streets. The sound of cheers and instruments would be ringing. In the front would be the general followed by his officers, then his solders and last the conquered slaves. Incense would be carried along the procession. To the victors it was the smell of glory but to the defeated it was the smell of death.

                The Christian carries the incense of God. We have a fragrance that is a blessing or a curse. When we come in contact with a fellow brother or sister we are refreshed. But when we come across a God hater, they feel condemned. This is the agony of defeat. It is the evidence of their guilt. Even in response to some of these blogs I have been accused of being “condemning” or “hating” when none of those words could be found in my text. If there is no God and Christians are just fools, then leave us be and don’t let it steal your joy. But the hostility demonstrates the aroma of death they smell.

                What smell do you sense? Do you feel condemned or excited? Is this life your glory or defeat?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The sin of Despising

“Where in have we despised your name?” Mal1:6

                To despise God is one of the greatest sins in the scripture. God is to be feared. He is to be reverenced. To be awed. To despise is the opposite, it means “to take lightly.” If you want to please God you must honor Him. That means “weight” that God has substance in your life.

                There are many that claim to be a Christian but despise God. They do not come to church and join the “Bride” and “Body of Christ” as instructed. They do not “continue in His word” with daily reading. They do not tell others or seek to save other souls. They are content in “their faith.” Giving to God what you want to give Him and not what He asks you to give Him is the essence of despising.

                Don’t take the easy way in life. Don’t take the short cuts or the cheap outs. Put God first and most important. He deserves more than our scraps. Many make church their last Sunday option. How can we not treasure the Bible?

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Comfort to Comfort

God comforts us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble. 1Cor1:4

                Trouble is guaranteed in life. “In the world you will have tribulation.” In fact, hard times are a sure promise to every Christian. “All who desire to live godly will suffer” and “it has been appointed for you not only to believe but to suffer.” Few of these verses make Hallmark cards, but they are true.

                The good news is not that we suffer but that we have a comforter. If we were of the world, the world would love us, but because we are not of this world it hates us. If we are God, then God loves us. The hurt we feel gives God an opportunity to heal us. By our pain, God is revealed. There is nothing more important than knowing God as He is.

                We are comforted to be a comfort. You’re feeling better is not an end in itself, it leads to something better. “It is better to give than receive.” You becoming whole is necessary to aiding others in their journey to wholeness. Pass it on. Give what you have been given.

                In life, you can be part of a circle of blessing or a circle of destruction. He can encourage others and they will be glad to encourage you. You can cheer for them and know in turn they will be your fan. Or you can discourage others knowing they are awaiting the opportunity to get back at you. You can boo them and listen to the crowd when you make a mistake. Show God is good, by giving what He has given you to others.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Free to Resist

“You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you do always resist the Holy Spirit as your fathers did.” Act7:51

                The freedom of choice is the freedom to resist.

When I was a boy in elementary school a girl had a crush on me. Her name was Hanna. She would pursue me. She would try to get in the same group or table, she would turn red and I would turn red. Her friends would hand me notes and tell me to talk to her. Every day there was some attempt. But I was embarrassed and not interested. I would avoid her. I would not even read her notes. I stayed out of her groups. I resisted her. This hurt her feelings. She tried to befriend me and I did not want to, naturally she was hurt. She had hoped, she had tried, and it came to nothing but rejection. This is how many treat the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit has all the attributes of personhood. He has a will, “He distributes the gifts as He wills.” He is called by the personal pronoun “He.” He has emotions like “the joy of the Spirit” or “grieve not the Spirit.” He communicates all through the Bible, especially the book of Acts. This person of the Godhead is trying to get into a relationship with you. Are you resisting Him?

Friday, August 9, 2013

What Kind of a Pastor do You Want?

“It is not desirable that we should leave the world and serve tables.” Act2:6

What kind of pastor do you want? Do you want one skilled in the word and prayer or a jack of all trades? Do you want him to excel at scrubbing toilets and vacuuming or be well prepared to preach? Would you rather have him visit every Sue and Johnny with a hang nail or be ready to win souls on Sunday? The choice is yours. How do you treat your minister?

I have pastored a church from 10 to about 160 over the last 8 years. In pioneer work there are a lot of small jobs that take large amounts of time. I need help to be a more effective preacher. Preaching is why I became a pastor. It is my passion; it is what I am good at. We are so blessed we just got our own building, debt free I might add! Now I am a facilities manager, landscaper and custodian. But I don’t have to be. I have several great members who have stepped up and committed to serving. It is such a relief. There have been times where I tried to clean or fix things by myself and I stop and say; “why am I doing this? I am not good at it. I am frustrated. I was never trained for it. I am blessed enough. I don’t want to steal someone else’s blessings for serving the Lord.” Then I make a call and it gets done by someone else.

Delegating is hard. It is hard to trust that the jobs will get done to my satisfaction. But I remember two things; one I have failed hundreds of times and so it is ok for them to fail too. Two; it gives tremendous ownership to others when they have a job in the church.

Before Stephen did mighty miracles or spoke with such wisdom he first served. Before he moved with great power the disciples made a place for him to serve. There is a place for you. Have you found it? Then get serving the tables.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Know One Book

The priests lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth. Mal2:7

                The role of the preacher is to speak for the Lord. Congregates should come to him for wisdom. His opinion should simply be the word of God. To study one book, the scripture, and then interpret all of life through that lens is the role of the minister.

                We should speak the word of God. It must be applied to our daily life. I have found that much of it impacts my attitude. There are religions with word for word memorization. At certain times or in certain situations they recite a prayer x amount of times and think they will conjure up God. That is not what I mean. The scriptures must penetrate my heart. They must be digested by my mind. They will give me nutrients and building blocks and become me. They must be my “life coach,” my decision making guide.

                We have the answers. “I don’t know what you should do,” is no longer an acceptable answer. I have the answer key. It is a matter of have I read it and do I know how to apply it? Determine in your heart that you will be one that keeps the word of God on your lips. Pray that each day others will come to you to seek Gods wisdom. I’ll be praying too.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

When I die

To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. 2cor5:8

                When I die I will immediately enter the presence of God. I know God now. I walk with Him. When I die our relationship will come to its fullness. There is continuality. Never will I be without God.

                A friend of mine began a relationship through the internet. He lived in the states and she lived in South America. They typed back and forth. Then exchanged numbers and talked to no end on the phone. They sent each other pictures. They were in love. Finally he left to meet her in person. They returned a married couple! But he knew her before his eyes saw her. Likewise, I know God and look forward to embracing Him.

                There is no purgatory. There is no longer a waiting place for the Christian. It is without break. There are some that say; “in death we sleep until the resurrection.” I do not know how they handle this passage. Or where it says; “He returns with 10,000 of His saints.” My confidence is in the moment of my death I am with Jesus. The thief on the cross certainly didn’t wait long to enter paradise.

                The test is this life. This is the game time, there are no extra innings or overtime. All the chances a person gets are during this life. Are you excited to see God or terrified? Do you know you go from a life with God to a better life with God? Your moment will come.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Explain your Life

“Are these things so?” Acts7:1

What is your response to your life? The religious leaders had trumped up slanderous accusations against Stephen. Rather than seeing this as a time to worry it was an opportunity to preach the good news. What Stephen is accused of saying was ridiculous but it opened the door for him to speak.

Our opposition offers us opportunity. It was his answer that would demonstrate the truth of Christianity. It was his willingness to die that would begin to bring about one of the most important converts; Saul of Tarsus. Saul would go on to start many churches and pen most of the New Testament. Stephens’s speech was an articulate history of his people. It pinnacled at Jesus as the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecies. He showed he knew his story and what life was all about.

What is your story? What is your history? Can you articulate why you believe what you believe? Stephen was well studied; he had sat under the apostles teachings. He not only knew his where he came from but he knew his enemies. He understood who their fathers where and the pattern of their behavior. A powerful Christian has two weapons; the Holy Spirit and the word of God. When we study the word and are filled with the Spirit we are the most powerful beings on Earth. Your life speaks can you explain?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

God Breathed

He breathed on them and said; “receive ye the Holy Spirit.”

                God breathed into Adam the breath of life and he became a living being. Jesus breathed on the disciples so they would become a spiritual beings. The breath of God separated Adam from all the animal kingdom. The breath of Jesus separated the disciples from the rest of humankind.

                Jesus would first have to ascend to Heaven to give us the Holy Spirit. This is a gift that God greatly wants everyone to have. “Greater works” will we do than Jesus because of the Holy Spirit’s ability to be within each of us. Jesus in His incarnation was limited to one body. However, the Holy Spirit is not limited to one body but to as many as will receive Him.

                Jesus breathed on them knowing they could not yet do what He asked. “Receive the Holy Spirit,” but they couldn’t yet. Why would Jesus command them in something they couldn’t do? It is for us. For the future generations. That we would seek and receive this great gift.

                You are hand crafted by God. He not only made you in His image but has given you the Divine breath, His conscience spark that separates you from the animals. And He desires to breathe on you once again. Will you receive the Spirit today?

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Power to Servants

They could not resist the wisdom he spoke. Act6:10

Stephen was a force for God. He was serving. This allowed the disciples to focus on preaching and prayer. In turn the church was greatly growing. As He served He became empowered. God was moving on him. Miracles were abounding.

As Stephen served the disciples by feeding the widows he was daily hearing the word of God preached. He strategically placed himself in a place where he would spiritually grow. This is a good reason to volunteer at church. Go to both Sunday morning services if your church has them, service at one and listen to the other. You will grow, grow, grow. As you give of yourself you become like a siphon, looking for a source to fill you.

Stephen spoke what he had been taught. What have you been taught? Who are your sources of wisdom? A mega-church pastor once told me; “I don’t take calls from anyone that just attends our church, not even members. I only take calls from leaders. Leaders are people that are regularly serving. For them I have all day.” I am not a mega church pastor but I do see the importance in making wise investments with my time. “Teach these things to faithful men that can teach others.” Serving in the small things is a test of faithfulness. Get involved. Get serving. Why would God give you wisdom and power if you are not serving?