Friday, June 21, 2013

What makes you a Christian?

Repent, and be baptized everyone in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Act2:38

                A simple definition of a Christian is one in whom the Holy Spirit indwells. There are cults that claim to be “Christians.” Others are “born again” or “Baptist” or “confirmed” but these titles are only attempts to join the Elect. “He who has the Son has life, He who does not have the Son does not have life.” Do you have life?

                Often when I invite people to church they say; “Oh, well I am Catholic.” I say; “Catholics love our church, you can call me “Father” if you want and if it helps I’ll wear a collar.” I say this with a smile and they laugh. It does not matter what you call yourself. Do you have the Spirit of God in you?

                Repenting is a change of mind. It is a matter of your will. The unconverted can change, rehabs are full of repenters. Baptism is a physical action. It happens in time and space. Dust and sweat are removed, in outer appearance it differs little from a bath. What makes a Christian is the part we cannot do without God; receive Him.

                I am alive because I was born. You do not need to see my ID or know that I have a social security number. You will see my life. I move. I hunger. I grow. I reproduce. I am infused with Gods Spirit. This is His confirming who I am to me and to others. Have you done the outward commands of repentance and baptism? Do you have the Holy Spirit inside you? Are you a Christian?

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