Thursday, June 27, 2013

The exclusive Prayer of Jesus

“I pray for them, I do not pray for the world.” Jn17:9

                Much is made of the universal good of God. That He is like a “nice Grandpa” that just likes everybody and can’t see sin. I have heard many preachers say; “Jesus loves everyone the same.” But that is not true.  Jesus prays for His own. He laid His life down for His “friends.” He is the shepherd that dies for the sheep that know His voice. These are specific to some and not to others. Here the prayer of Jesus is exclusive.

                A child prays; “God save all the people in the whole wide world.” This is a how kids pray but not how Jesus prays. Jesus prays for those that believe in Him. He does not pray for the lost in this passage. Intercession is made for His disciples.

                Did Jesus love everyone the same? Yes and no. No in that He clearly did not treat everyone the same. No in that some were His friends and others His enemies. Yes in that He was a propitiation for everyone. All have opportunity for salvation because what He did on the cross.

                I love my wife more than anyone because she is my covenant companion. Next I love my kids more than anyone else because they are my offspring. I don’t love the same nor do you, nor did Jesus. God so loved the “in that” He gave His best for the payment of all. The blood of Christ is sufficient for all but those who don’t receive are outside His covenant. They could enter by faith, but until they do they are enemies on the outside.

                Will you have Jesus pray this prayer for you? Or will you be the world?

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