Friday, June 14, 2013

Forgive your Family

“…if he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times and comes to you repenting, forgive him.” Lk17:3

                God does not forgive everyone. He desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. He is patient and longsuffering. His forbearance is our salvation. There is no prejudice within Him. Many times Jesus echoed out “whosoever will.” “Whosoever believes,” “whosoever thirst,” “whosoever will come He will not turn away.” Jesus died for the world. Yet not all the world will be forgiven. For not all the world wills to come.

                The one qualification for man’s forgiveness is to ask. If you do not ask, it will not be given. If you do not seek, you will not find. If you do not knock, the door will not be opened. And if it were opened to you would not know to walk through it.

                The Christian is not a blind, deaf, masochist that just turns the other cheek and acts like there was no offense. Of what value is that to the offender? It is in the strength of absorbing evil and standing against it by acknowledging it. This does not mean revenge. But it certainly doesn’t mean that after an offense nothing changes. Many people come to me deeply hurt by unrepentant family members and think that because they are now a Christian they must make everything “Brady bunch” with their family. But their conversion may not change their family. If their family does not change, don’t expect them to stop hurting you. Forgiveness is you not hurting them back, not trust not thoughtfulness, simply; I don’t retaliate with hurt. Repentance is the desired outcome.

                Will you forgive? Lead others to repentance. Allow room for them to change. Don’t encourage them to be defensive or be so proud it’s hard to make things right with you.  

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