Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bad Friendships with Jesus in the Middle

“That day Herod and Pilate became friends.” Lk23:12

                It often happens that around Jesus people bond and become friends. Enemies reconcile in His presence. But this is not is always good, in fact it can be terribly wrong. The Pharisees and the Sadducees and the scribes, three groups with disdain for each other, got along real good to try and get rid of Jesus. Hatred is about as binding as love.

                Too many churches use the Herod/Pilate strategy in church growth. Pass Jesus back and forth for the purpose of entertainment and then have a social gathering. Herod was excited to meet Jesus. He wanted to see magic tricks. He wanted a spectacle. Pilate was just trying to get rid of his problem and be accepted by the people. When churches promise a concert atmosphere with lighting and pyrotechnics what are we trying to accomplish? Jesus refused Satan’s offer to jump off the temple. His method would not be an outward show. He is no fireworks.

                Sadly, many come to our churches with these selfish motives only to be encouraged in them. Connected people stay in congregations. So as long as they are in proximity to Jesus and happy together is the goal achieved? No better than Herod or Pilate. 
We should never neglect to worship our Savoir. More than befriending others or solving our own problems, praise Him. Reverence His holiness. Be a part of a body of believers that honors Him.   

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