Friday, June 28, 2013

God Killed Liars

“How is it that you have agreed to tempt the Spirit of the Lord?” Act5:9

                Lying to yourself is still lying. Lying to God is worse.

Have you ever had someone say something rude about you and they did not know you were there? “I can hear you,” you snap. They get embarrassed. It is not only the insult they said but the insult that they acted like you wouldn’t find out. God knows this feeling all too well.

Don’t lie to God. He hates liars. Their words are an abomination to Him. He will give them a beach front house by the Lake of Fire. It is insulting because it assumes He is not there. “It is impossible to please God without faith.” People lie because they think they can deceive everyone, even God. But His Holy Spirit is everywhere. 

God still strikes people dead. I am tired of people acting like the God of the Old Testament is all wrath and the God the New is all love. It is the same God. He is just. He loves His people by protecting them. Wrath demonstrates His jealousy and protection. He guards His own from corruption. So don’t get caught telling lies.

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