Thursday, June 13, 2013

Blood and Water

“One of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear and immediately blood and water came pouring out.” Jn19:34

                Every drop of blood Jesus shed is redeeming. His stripes purchased our healing. His toil in the garden bought our peace. The blood on the cross paid for our curse. But the blood from His side maybe the greatest gift of all.

                It was from the side of Adam that a companion was made. There are numerous parallels between the “first Adam” and the “last Adam.” Both are sons of God, the first fruits of God, both were tempted in a garden, and what the first Adam lost by disobedience the second Adam regained by obedience. So from the side of the first Adam, Eve was made. Who came from the side of the second Adam?

                Blood is purchasing. Water, where is that from? Scientifically it was the water that surrounds the heart in the pericardial sac. In extreme stress it can rupture. This is why Jesus was dead after only a few hours on the cross (they were surprised, it usually took days). But that is a symbol. It signifies what Jesus purchased for us when they pierced Him. As the first Adam went into a deep sleep to have Eve, so the second went into a deep sleep to give us the Holy Spirit. He is our companion.

                Jesus went away to give us “another Comforter.” One who would empower us. One who would never leave us or forsake us. One who was Him, His presence. The good news is not only that Christ redeemed us from our sins, took our curse and bought our healing but that He wants us to have the Holy Spirit. Receive His power.

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