Saturday, June 15, 2013

Timing or Die

Not one stone will be left on another because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.” LK19:44

                Ignorance is costly. Mistiming can be deadly. Not knowing God’s timing is inexcusable. And if there were excuses, there are still consequences. His coming is immanent, our preparing is optional.

                In sports, athletes work hard for long hours to develop proper timing. The batter swings tens of thousands of times to anticipate the ball. The quarterback reviews the film over and over until he sees when the defenses open up. The boxer takes punishment to set up the perfectly timed punch. Point sparing karate is almost all timing. Yet most people are ignorant to walking in step with God. We forecast the weather, make predictions on the stock market, and know what the next seasons fashion trend will be but do we anticipate the next move of God?

                God is a God of schedules. He put all things in order. Jesus was mindful of His times. There were opportunities where His “time had not yet come.” The Devil on the other hand is an opportunist. After the temptation in the wilderness he looked for an opportune time to attack.
                Don’t just drift in life. Know not only where you are going and why you are doing what you do but have a sense of when to do it. Our times are in God’s hand. Trust Him. Ask Him. Train yourself to be aware of His Spirit by listening in prayer.

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