Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Secret to Getting What You Want

Jesus saw them following and asked; “What do you want?” Jn1:38

                What do you want from Jesus? Do you desire to go where He goes? Do you want to get what He got? Do you want to know Him?

                Two disciples had begun their discovery of Jesus the Messiah. They had followed John the Baptist but he had pointed them to Jesus. They asked the right question; “Where are you staying?” in essence, they were requesting to be His disciples. They wanted to learn His ways, to be one with His road. They were already literally following Him. With no promise only a seed of faith they went after Him.  

                Jesus gives us choice. He answers us according to our desires. “What do you want?” was a question Jesus often asked. He asked the blind man; “what do you want me to do for you?” What do you think he wanted? He wants his sight. But with sight comes responsibility, comes a new life.

God will give you what you want. Seek the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Even those outside Gods covenant are allowed their yearnings. “So God gave them over to their lust” (rom1:26). If God gave you your requests, what would it be? Would you be more like God or would your desire destroy you?

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