Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Trend Setters

“She reached to touched the hem of his garment…from all around they came begging to just touch the hem of His garment.” Mark 5:27, 6:56

Be a trend setter. The women with the issue of blood started something new. She had exhausted all her wealth trying to find a cure. Nothing could help her. She had heard of the miracles of Jesus and hope was reborn in her. Her thought; “If I can only touch His garment” became revolutionary for many. When she pressed in and touched Jesus power was released. She got her healing. But the miracle was contagious. Others heard of her faith and her method. Then people from all over came just to touch His garment.

Where did that idea come from? Was it just a spark of genius? She did not even need a word from Jesus. She did not even need to touch Him, just His garment. She had faith in proximity to Jesus. That something of Him radiated out. She was right and rewarded so many followed her in doing the same. She set a new standard of faith. The bar was not lowered but she gave all a step to lift up on.   

Limited by space and time in His humanity Jesus could not meet the demanding needs of all those who were sick in the world. They had to come to Him. Even so, we see there was times when not all could get a touch or a glimpse. Think of when they had to lower the paralytic through the roof or when Zachiaus had to climb a tree. They are but the aggressive ones. Be bold to come to God in your way. Others will follow when they see the reward for your faith.   

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