Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Living Damned

“He who believes is not condemned but he who does not believe stands condemned.” Jn3:18

                I once strained my back while bench pressing weights. There was too much weight on the bar and my spotter was not paying attention. My arms shook. Sweat dripped down my forehead. As moments went by, the weight seemed to multiply. I grew weaker and weaker. At last my spotter turned around and saved me. I was so thankful to no longer be under that pressure. That is how people live under God’s wrath everyday.

Guilt from God is abundant in the world. The Christian does not wait to go to Heaven before eternal life begins. We enjoy the peace, love, forgiveness and purpose of the Kingdom of God here, now, today. Likewise, those outside of God’s covenant suffer a foretaste of the Hell to come. Already, currently they are under the wrath of God.

                Unbelievers are constantly empty. They long. They feel bad because they are missing something, better yet, they are missing Someone. Crimes have been committed. They have no lawyer. Confusion, shame, and anger are all felt because they are under a legal sentence. Offense to a holy God is a fearful thing.

                Simple belief changes everything, if they would only acknowledge God. A mustard seed of faith would rearrange their status.

                Be bold to tell others what Jesus has done for you. Do not be afraid. If you could save a man on death row, if you could make him innocent, if justice could be served and they could be spared, wouldn’t you try? What harm could you do? Those living in darkness are going to Hell. They are living in death. Any attempt to bring them out of it, is well worth it. God can use our efforts. Only He is the Ressurector. So try and see if God would work.

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