Wednesday, June 12, 2013

True Blasphemy

“Any blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, in this life or the next.” Luke 12:10

                The Holy Spirit is a person. He has a mind. He divides the gifts believers receive. He feels. “The joy of the Spirit,” He can be vexed or even grieved.

                Much is made of Jesus sacrifice to be born as a human in a manger. He that was co-equal with God would give up His majestic Heavenly dwelling to “slum it” with us. But what of the Holy Spirits who left the same comforts to indwell us. This is the unction we now have. We are born again of the Spirit of God. This is our empowerment, He is our power. At conversion the Holy Spirit comes into our Spirit and we become the children of God.

                Jesus did no miracles until the Holy Spirit came upon Him. Think of the Old Testament hero’s and how often it says; “the Holy Spirit came upon them.” Samson, Gideon, Jepthah, Saul and the prophets. The Holy Spirit is God’s active agent to humanity.

                To reject the Holy Spirit is to disallow God to move. If God does not move there can be no salvation. The unpardonable sin is not something God will not forgive. It means the only means of redemption is utterly rejected. There is one cure for man’s sin ailment, the Holy Spirit, if that medicine is forsaken there is nothing but death. Allow the Holy Spirit to move into your life.

                If you fear you have committed the unpardonable sin then I greatly doubt you have. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a conscience direct denial of the Holy Spirits work. It is insulting the person of the Spirit and there for disallowing Him to work. Let us thank God and welcome the work of His Spirit.

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