Thursday, June 20, 2013

To All the People Pleasers

He did not need man’s testimony about Him, for he knew what was in man. Jn2:25

                Jesus never people pleased. He never needed man’s approval. Jesus was not concerned about what others thought about Him. His only concern was following His Fathers will.

                Jesus understood the heart of human kind. He never pretended it was good. There were none good in His eyes because His eyes had seen God. To come from the glory of all eternity past in the majesty of Heaven and then to be born as a baby in a manger would give a unique outlook on life. Jesus took ridicule from family, peers, and respected leaders but it did not detour Him. Flattery and cries for Jesus to be King did not distract Him. His face was set like stone.

Think of the last week of Jesus life. The emotional roller-coaster of the transfiguration, experiencing the manifest glory of God, and then to the cross where He faced the wrath of God. The shouts of praise as He entered Jerusalem to just days later as the mob roared “crucify Him, crucify Him.” Had Jesus cared about peoples opinion He never would have fulfilled God’s calling on His life. Likewise, if you let others influence your service to God, you will never full your calling.

Don’t let other people’s opinion interfere with Gods plan for your life. Don’t live for the ever swaying favor of mere mortals. Live for the Forever. You don’t need their approval to live right. Live right.

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