Sunday, June 30, 2013

How to get what God gives

“We are witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Spirit who God has given to them that obey Him.” Act6:32

                The Holy Spirit sees, hears and remembers everything. He is a guide to understanding. Have you ever done a good deed that no one saw? Have you ever thought; “I wasted my time trying to help them and they don’t appreciate it at all?” Friend, it was no waste. The Holy Spirit saw. He will remember.

                It is God that gives His Spirit. Of course it is. The eternal God never runs out. It is like clicking the paint bucket on a picture document, the whole screen turns that color. God infuses Himself into us by His Spirit.

                God decides where His Spirit goes. I have walked in an apple orchard that was not mine. I went to grab an apple and my Dad said; “no son, that is not ours. We did not plant it or pay for it.” The owner saw us and with a smile passed us a bucket. “All these are mine and I want you to have some. Pick as many as you want.” He planted them. They were his. He had the right to give them. What could I do but be thankful and receive.  God gives what He wants to give to whom He wants to give. But he is not arbitrary. He is clear. If you obey Him then you will have His Spirit. Do you?

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Living Damned

“He who believes is not condemned but he who does not believe stands condemned.” Jn3:18

                I once strained my back while bench pressing weights. There was too much weight on the bar and my spotter was not paying attention. My arms shook. Sweat dripped down my forehead. As moments went by, the weight seemed to multiply. I grew weaker and weaker. At last my spotter turned around and saved me. I was so thankful to no longer be under that pressure. That is how people live under God’s wrath everyday.

Guilt from God is abundant in the world. The Christian does not wait to go to Heaven before eternal life begins. We enjoy the peace, love, forgiveness and purpose of the Kingdom of God here, now, today. Likewise, those outside of God’s covenant suffer a foretaste of the Hell to come. Already, currently they are under the wrath of God.

                Unbelievers are constantly empty. They long. They feel bad because they are missing something, better yet, they are missing Someone. Crimes have been committed. They have no lawyer. Confusion, shame, and anger are all felt because they are under a legal sentence. Offense to a holy God is a fearful thing.

                Simple belief changes everything, if they would only acknowledge God. A mustard seed of faith would rearrange their status.

                Be bold to tell others what Jesus has done for you. Do not be afraid. If you could save a man on death row, if you could make him innocent, if justice could be served and they could be spared, wouldn’t you try? What harm could you do? Those living in darkness are going to Hell. They are living in death. Any attempt to bring them out of it, is well worth it. God can use our efforts. Only He is the Ressurector. So try and see if God would work.

Friday, June 28, 2013

God Killed Liars

“How is it that you have agreed to tempt the Spirit of the Lord?” Act5:9

                Lying to yourself is still lying. Lying to God is worse.

Have you ever had someone say something rude about you and they did not know you were there? “I can hear you,” you snap. They get embarrassed. It is not only the insult they said but the insult that they acted like you wouldn’t find out. God knows this feeling all too well.

Don’t lie to God. He hates liars. Their words are an abomination to Him. He will give them a beach front house by the Lake of Fire. It is insulting because it assumes He is not there. “It is impossible to please God without faith.” People lie because they think they can deceive everyone, even God. But His Holy Spirit is everywhere. 

God still strikes people dead. I am tired of people acting like the God of the Old Testament is all wrath and the God the New is all love. It is the same God. He is just. He loves His people by protecting them. Wrath demonstrates His jealousy and protection. He guards His own from corruption. So don’t get caught telling lies.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The exclusive Prayer of Jesus

“I pray for them, I do not pray for the world.” Jn17:9

                Much is made of the universal good of God. That He is like a “nice Grandpa” that just likes everybody and can’t see sin. I have heard many preachers say; “Jesus loves everyone the same.” But that is not true.  Jesus prays for His own. He laid His life down for His “friends.” He is the shepherd that dies for the sheep that know His voice. These are specific to some and not to others. Here the prayer of Jesus is exclusive.

                A child prays; “God save all the people in the whole wide world.” This is a how kids pray but not how Jesus prays. Jesus prays for those that believe in Him. He does not pray for the lost in this passage. Intercession is made for His disciples.

                Did Jesus love everyone the same? Yes and no. No in that He clearly did not treat everyone the same. No in that some were His friends and others His enemies. Yes in that He was a propitiation for everyone. All have opportunity for salvation because what He did on the cross.

                I love my wife more than anyone because she is my covenant companion. Next I love my kids more than anyone else because they are my offspring. I don’t love the same nor do you, nor did Jesus. God so loved the “in that” He gave His best for the payment of all. The blood of Christ is sufficient for all but those who don’t receive are outside His covenant. They could enter by faith, but until they do they are enemies on the outside.

                Will you have Jesus pray this prayer for you? Or will you be the world?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Are you a Magnet for Moochers?

“From that time on many of His disciples turned back and walked with Him no more.” Jn6:66

                The vast majority of people are fickle. Fair-weather friends are not friends. Jesus did not need nor seek the approval of men. He knew human kind too well.

                The masses came for a free lunch. They thought they had found “the goose that lays the golden egg.” By force, they wanted to make Him King. But Jesus departed from them. It is this mass of hungry followers that would forsake Jesus when He challenged their commitment. “Eat my flesh and drink my blood” is covenant langue. It is commitment langue. Jesus is making them chose; put your faith in Him as Messiah and go all in. but they were just looking for physical food.

                One of the mistakes I made when we started the church is I used to take everybody out for meals. I would constantly pick up the tab after Bible studies or for church events. I taught people that if they came I would feed them. I remember overhearing a lady tell her friend; “just get baptized because then the pastor will take us for a good meal.” Can you believe it, when I stopped feeding their stomachs, they stopped coming to services. I was investing in their flesh not their spirit.

                Ministries and churches that spend resources advertising ‘big give aways” are attracting the wrong crowds with the wrong motives. My father used to say; “whatever you get them with you have to keep them with.” If you bring them in the church with free bikes, ipods, and meals, you got to keep that up. If you challenge them with the word and commitment to God, you will keep them. When your followers follow on for eternal life or fall away?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Unlimited Refills

“In the last days I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.” Act 2:17-18

                Peters simple explanation to a complicated event on the day of Pentecost was; “this is that.” Speaking in tongues is an evidence of the Holy Spirit being poured out. This was a fulfillment of what God said would happen. The original hearers were convinced and converted.

                 If they were in the last days then, how much more are we today? Some look for signs of the antichrist or what is happening with Israel then they act knowledgeable and make charts saying; “we are living in the last days.” This is silly to me. Of course we are in the end times. We have been since Pentecost. Paul was so insistent that he said; “if a man is married, stay married, the Lord is at hand. If a man is single let him stay single, for the Lord is at hand.” That is how close he thought they were.

                Note that the Spirit of God is poured out on everyone, even unbelievers. In these last days, God is convicting the world. The Spirit of God is the most active force in all the world. As much as you want others to come to God, you are limited; you don’t know their mind or heart. The Holy Spirit does.

                The good news is that if you are flesh (which you are) and you are living in the last days (which you are) that the Holy Spirit is being poured out on you. I cannot fill my children’s cup for them to drink as long as the lid is on it. My prayer is that you would simply open your heart to the Spirit of God believing He will be poured out on you too.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Dieing on Your time Not Gods, Does your death Matter?

“My time has not yet come but your time is always ready.” Jn7:6

                Many people mistakenly think about death. They say things like; “I’ll go when I’m ready” or “when God wants me, he will take me.” The inevitability of death does not mean that how long we live has nothing to do with our choices. Jesus was always mindful of His time. At His first miracle, He told His mother; “my time has not yet come.” God is a God of order. He created the seasons. The stars, the sun, and the earth rotate in perfect harmony to keep the cycles consistent. “In due time” Jesus came. Those that walk with God are on a schedule. Even their death is on it. However, those that do not believe in Jesus are on a different calendar.

                If you are not walking in the ways of God then you are in the jungle. The will of God is that all would believe and be saved. Therefore if you are not believing you are not in the will of God. Your time is always ready. Jesus had a far more important life than His brothers. He knew what God was having Him to do. If you are not living your purpose from God, why do you think your death will be in His time?

                People that smoke often die of cancer. Their time is in their own hand. Gangbangers and reckless people should not blame the Almighty for their “homies” short life. Getting stabbed with toothbrush shanks in the shower was not what God had in mind when He wove them in the womb. How could suicide be what God wants? Clearly people can take their life out of God’s hands. Not everyone calls Him “Lord” and He is not everyone’s Lord. When we will by our will we substitute God out. Jesus is saying in a harsh way; “my life matters. Right now, yours doesn’t, you could die anytime, I can’t.”

 How about your life? Does it matter? Is it in God’s time or yours?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Why I speak in Tongues

“And having received the promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit, He has shed forth this which you now see and hear.” Act 2:33

                Speaking in tongues is both Biblical and defendable. From the day they received the gift there were haters and doubters. Peter had to explain where this out pouring came from and why it was important. Sadly today is no different. As a Pentecostal, I constantly have to explain why I speak in tongues and that it is not nonsense.

                Why don’t people want what God has given? Why take time to explain why miracles don’t happen or worse why they won’t happen? Dispensationalist theology (where most get their 7 year pre-tribulation eschatology from) was founded to explain away the supernatural workings in the church. Why?

                It is God’s gift. He has explained it. If someone is curious, they should ask God for it. If they have reservations, simply read what the Bible says and believe in it. Jesus baptizes with fire. The Holy Spirit empowers us to witness. The early church spoke in tongues. Clearly Paul did too. “I thank God I speak in tongues more than all of you.” It was his desire echoing God’s desire that we all speak in tongues.

                “Wisdom is justified by her children.” I would not be a pastor, have won people to the Lord or be writing this if I did not have the power of the Holy Spirit. My experience confirms what the Bible says. If you have not yet received the Promise of the Father, ask Him today.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Why people Love Failing

“Do you want to be made well?” Jn5:6

                The man was waiting 38 years to be made well. Yet Jesus has the audacity to ask him. What else would the man want? He tarried at the place where people got healed.

                Jesus question is all encompassing. Are you ready to change your life? Failure can become a comfort zone. Being irresponsible is easy. There are many that set themselves up for defeat. They don’t want to win. They love the pity. They love having the freedom of no one counting on them for anything. If Jesus were to heal him, the man would have to work, help others and be a contributing part of society.

                Why do so many adults live at home? Why do drug dealers have nice cloths, cars and cell phones but freeload off a relative? How is it that our jails are full of repeat offenders? It is a love of dependence. No baby wants to be weaned off their mother’s breast. Oh, they will cry. If they are allowed they will never leave their mother’s milk. Excuses won’t win the day.

                Jesus offers healing. Jesus offers wholeness. Jesus will forgive you, do you want these things? Are ready to be a giver instead of a taker? Are you ready to carry your own bed? It is harder. The challenge is there.

Friday, June 21, 2013

What makes you a Christian?

Repent, and be baptized everyone in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Act2:38

                A simple definition of a Christian is one in whom the Holy Spirit indwells. There are cults that claim to be “Christians.” Others are “born again” or “Baptist” or “confirmed” but these titles are only attempts to join the Elect. “He who has the Son has life, He who does not have the Son does not have life.” Do you have life?

                Often when I invite people to church they say; “Oh, well I am Catholic.” I say; “Catholics love our church, you can call me “Father” if you want and if it helps I’ll wear a collar.” I say this with a smile and they laugh. It does not matter what you call yourself. Do you have the Spirit of God in you?

                Repenting is a change of mind. It is a matter of your will. The unconverted can change, rehabs are full of repenters. Baptism is a physical action. It happens in time and space. Dust and sweat are removed, in outer appearance it differs little from a bath. What makes a Christian is the part we cannot do without God; receive Him.

                I am alive because I was born. You do not need to see my ID or know that I have a social security number. You will see my life. I move. I hunger. I grow. I reproduce. I am infused with Gods Spirit. This is His confirming who I am to me and to others. Have you done the outward commands of repentance and baptism? Do you have the Holy Spirit inside you? Are you a Christian?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

To All the People Pleasers

He did not need man’s testimony about Him, for he knew what was in man. Jn2:25

                Jesus never people pleased. He never needed man’s approval. Jesus was not concerned about what others thought about Him. His only concern was following His Fathers will.

                Jesus understood the heart of human kind. He never pretended it was good. There were none good in His eyes because His eyes had seen God. To come from the glory of all eternity past in the majesty of Heaven and then to be born as a baby in a manger would give a unique outlook on life. Jesus took ridicule from family, peers, and respected leaders but it did not detour Him. Flattery and cries for Jesus to be King did not distract Him. His face was set like stone.

Think of the last week of Jesus life. The emotional roller-coaster of the transfiguration, experiencing the manifest glory of God, and then to the cross where He faced the wrath of God. The shouts of praise as He entered Jerusalem to just days later as the mob roared “crucify Him, crucify Him.” Had Jesus cared about peoples opinion He never would have fulfilled God’s calling on His life. Likewise, if you let others influence your service to God, you will never full your calling.

Don’t let other people’s opinion interfere with Gods plan for your life. Don’t live for the ever swaying favor of mere mortals. Live for the Forever. You don’t need their approval to live right. Live right.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Secret to Getting What You Want

Jesus saw them following and asked; “What do you want?” Jn1:38

                What do you want from Jesus? Do you desire to go where He goes? Do you want to get what He got? Do you want to know Him?

                Two disciples had begun their discovery of Jesus the Messiah. They had followed John the Baptist but he had pointed them to Jesus. They asked the right question; “Where are you staying?” in essence, they were requesting to be His disciples. They wanted to learn His ways, to be one with His road. They were already literally following Him. With no promise only a seed of faith they went after Him.  

                Jesus gives us choice. He answers us according to our desires. “What do you want?” was a question Jesus often asked. He asked the blind man; “what do you want me to do for you?” What do you think he wanted? He wants his sight. But with sight comes responsibility, comes a new life.

God will give you what you want. Seek the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Even those outside Gods covenant are allowed their yearnings. “So God gave them over to their lust” (rom1:26). If God gave you your requests, what would it be? Would you be more like God or would your desire destroy you?

Bad Friendships with Jesus in the Middle

“That day Herod and Pilate became friends.” Lk23:12

                It often happens that around Jesus people bond and become friends. Enemies reconcile in His presence. But this is not is always good, in fact it can be terribly wrong. The Pharisees and the Sadducees and the scribes, three groups with disdain for each other, got along real good to try and get rid of Jesus. Hatred is about as binding as love.

                Too many churches use the Herod/Pilate strategy in church growth. Pass Jesus back and forth for the purpose of entertainment and then have a social gathering. Herod was excited to meet Jesus. He wanted to see magic tricks. He wanted a spectacle. Pilate was just trying to get rid of his problem and be accepted by the people. When churches promise a concert atmosphere with lighting and pyrotechnics what are we trying to accomplish? Jesus refused Satan’s offer to jump off the temple. His method would not be an outward show. He is no fireworks.

                Sadly, many come to our churches with these selfish motives only to be encouraged in them. Connected people stay in congregations. So as long as they are in proximity to Jesus and happy together is the goal achieved? No better than Herod or Pilate. 
We should never neglect to worship our Savoir. More than befriending others or solving our own problems, praise Him. Reverence His holiness. Be a part of a body of believers that honors Him.   

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jesus allows a Sword Fight

“Should we strike with our swords?” Lk22:49

                I am often asked; “When is it alright for a Christian to physically fight?” We see the disciples had the same question. I think they had a much different view of Jesus then most believers today. They would have never of thought of Jesus as nice or passive. He was demanding. He often insulted and hurled offenses at the Pharisees. They saw Him cleanse the temple and speak of violence to come. He was loving and compassionate but driven.

I think it is right to fight in defense of your people. When Peter asked, Jesus was silent. After the skirmish began Jesus brought it to a halt. He waited. The purpose that night was to die for the sins of the world and to preserve His disciples. Jesus needed His closest followers to live. “If it is me you want, let these go their way.” If He had miraculously fought alongside Peter, the options were; He wins and is not crucified for His assailants have all been slain. Or He loses and all the disciples are killed. Jesus needed to end this conflict, but why allow it to start? They asked Him.

                There are times to fight. But there will always be consequences. “Those that live by sword by the sword they will die,” is as much an observation as it is a warning. A soldier or police officer is far more likely to be shot than someone who does not daily carry a weapon.  For their service, they are called the Lords ministers. Justice is to be carried out by government sanctioned officials. Civilians are called to combat to defend their families and their homes.
                Be strong. Do not be afraid of conflict. Peter was willing to fight for Jesus. What would you fight for? Is it worth it? Is it right?

Monday, June 17, 2013

Dual Prophecy

“…I tell you the truth, all these things will happen before this generation will pass away.” LK21:32

                The scripture is full of duel prophecies. These are powerful foretelling’s that occur twice. They have the same meaning but at two different times. One fulfillment is often a shadow of the other. Many of the prophecies in the gospels concerning Jesus were like this. “Out of Egypt I called my son” was spoken of the nation of Israel leaving the bondage of Egypt and had implications for the boy Jesus. Likewise much of the suffering servant foretelling’s in Isaiah were initialing understood as speaking of the nation of Israel going through turmoil.

                Since Jesus ascended we have been in “the last days.” On the day of Pentecost Peter preached to the masses about the gift of the Holy Spirit; “this is that which the prophet Joel spoke of; ‘in the last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh.” Seeing how Jesus has not returned and God is still pouring out His Spirit, we are still in those days. Paul certainly believed Jesus was returning in His life; “If you are single stay single, if you are married stay married for the coming of the Lord is at hand.”

                The sign of the end times is “wars and rumors of wars.” When has this ever not been true? Jesus warns of natural disasters. The earth is constantly full of them. We should always be on watch for His return. Blessed are the servants He finds diligent. How will you be found?

                This generation that Jesus spoke to would suffer greatly in Jerusalem. At His crucifixion, those in Jerusalem pleaded with the Roman officials to have Jesus killed; “His blood be on our hands and our children’s.” It would be. About 37 years latter Titus would siege the city after a failed revolt. He would mercilessly starve out the inhabitance until he built a ramp over the wall. The city was viciously slaughtered. The horror of those days foreshadows what will come. Jesus has warned you. Be right with Him. React in faith to His words.  

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Your Greatest Enemy

“Watch your heart that it not be weighted down with dissipation, drunkenness or the cares of life.” Lk21:34

                Everyday life is tolling, more than that it can be distracting. The worst things are sometimes just good things that take us from the righteous path. It has been said; “the enemy of the best is something very good.” God’s best blessed life is often replaced by “the American Dream.” Think of what is in your heart. Think of what it is you are pursuing.

                As a pastor I see people miss church and fade from godliness far more from job promotions and expense hobbies than outright immorality. Recently I was asked what the biggest problem facing America was? I said; “Christian not being faithful to their local church.” The world will be the world. But if the local church will be filled with strong members, the world will be changed by the Kingdom of God. It is the absence of what should be that is the great tragedy.

There is only some much room in each heart. As it fills with family, passions, TV shows, education, and work there is often little space left for God. How backwards is that? God should be given preeminence in all things.

 Don’t get lost in the nonsense. Escapism becomes a prison. Dissipation is riotous living. It is full of parties and revelry. It is the best the world offers. It is MTV, it is the radio boasting about “getting tipsy in a club.” It is to live “forever young.” The end of which is foolishness and destruction. These liars suck the life from their followers because they did not watch their heart. But you be wise. Set your priorities right. Start with God.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Timing or Die

Not one stone will be left on another because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.” LK19:44

                Ignorance is costly. Mistiming can be deadly. Not knowing God’s timing is inexcusable. And if there were excuses, there are still consequences. His coming is immanent, our preparing is optional.

                In sports, athletes work hard for long hours to develop proper timing. The batter swings tens of thousands of times to anticipate the ball. The quarterback reviews the film over and over until he sees when the defenses open up. The boxer takes punishment to set up the perfectly timed punch. Point sparing karate is almost all timing. Yet most people are ignorant to walking in step with God. We forecast the weather, make predictions on the stock market, and know what the next seasons fashion trend will be but do we anticipate the next move of God?

                God is a God of schedules. He put all things in order. Jesus was mindful of His times. There were opportunities where His “time had not yet come.” The Devil on the other hand is an opportunist. After the temptation in the wilderness he looked for an opportune time to attack.
                Don’t just drift in life. Know not only where you are going and why you are doing what you do but have a sense of when to do it. Our times are in God’s hand. Trust Him. Ask Him. Train yourself to be aware of His Spirit by listening in prayer.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Forgive your Family

“…if he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times and comes to you repenting, forgive him.” Lk17:3

                God does not forgive everyone. He desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. He is patient and longsuffering. His forbearance is our salvation. There is no prejudice within Him. Many times Jesus echoed out “whosoever will.” “Whosoever believes,” “whosoever thirst,” “whosoever will come He will not turn away.” Jesus died for the world. Yet not all the world will be forgiven. For not all the world wills to come.

                The one qualification for man’s forgiveness is to ask. If you do not ask, it will not be given. If you do not seek, you will not find. If you do not knock, the door will not be opened. And if it were opened to you would not know to walk through it.

                The Christian is not a blind, deaf, masochist that just turns the other cheek and acts like there was no offense. Of what value is that to the offender? It is in the strength of absorbing evil and standing against it by acknowledging it. This does not mean revenge. But it certainly doesn’t mean that after an offense nothing changes. Many people come to me deeply hurt by unrepentant family members and think that because they are now a Christian they must make everything “Brady bunch” with their family. But their conversion may not change their family. If their family does not change, don’t expect them to stop hurting you. Forgiveness is you not hurting them back, not trust not thoughtfulness, simply; I don’t retaliate with hurt. Repentance is the desired outcome.

                Will you forgive? Lead others to repentance. Allow room for them to change. Don’t encourage them to be defensive or be so proud it’s hard to make things right with you.  

Loyal Women

“Now there stood by the cross the mother of Jesus, His mothers sister and Mary Magdalene.”

                All forsook Him and fled. But the precious women in Christ life bravely stood by Him. It is too bad not more credit is given to the ladies in Jesus ministry. They often provided His substance. There were many meals that they made and cloths that they gave to Jesus. Jesus chose twelve men and they all scattered at His arrest. John came back and was standing at the cross with the ladies but in this verse he is not mentioned. He wanted it to be known that these women were courageous and loyal.

                At the cross many respected people watched and mocked. The sign over the headed of Jesus ridiculed Him with sarcasm; “Jesus of Nazareth, The King of the Jews.” Mary, who bore Jesus watched Him suffer. A sword pierced through her heart too. Yet even to the end she was a faithful mother.

                We can all be inspirited by the boldness of these ladies. They served throughout the ministry of Jesus with little recognition. When lots of attention is preached on the failure of the disciples we should balance it with the love of the women in Jesus ministry, they did not fail Him. Will you be like them or like those who left?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Blood and Water

“One of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear and immediately blood and water came pouring out.” Jn19:34

                Every drop of blood Jesus shed is redeeming. His stripes purchased our healing. His toil in the garden bought our peace. The blood on the cross paid for our curse. But the blood from His side maybe the greatest gift of all.

                It was from the side of Adam that a companion was made. There are numerous parallels between the “first Adam” and the “last Adam.” Both are sons of God, the first fruits of God, both were tempted in a garden, and what the first Adam lost by disobedience the second Adam regained by obedience. So from the side of the first Adam, Eve was made. Who came from the side of the second Adam?

                Blood is purchasing. Water, where is that from? Scientifically it was the water that surrounds the heart in the pericardial sac. In extreme stress it can rupture. This is why Jesus was dead after only a few hours on the cross (they were surprised, it usually took days). But that is a symbol. It signifies what Jesus purchased for us when they pierced Him. As the first Adam went into a deep sleep to have Eve, so the second went into a deep sleep to give us the Holy Spirit. He is our companion.

                Jesus went away to give us “another Comforter.” One who would empower us. One who would never leave us or forsake us. One who was Him, His presence. The good news is not only that Christ redeemed us from our sins, took our curse and bought our healing but that He wants us to have the Holy Spirit. Receive His power.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

True Blasphemy

“Any blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, in this life or the next.” Luke 12:10

                The Holy Spirit is a person. He has a mind. He divides the gifts believers receive. He feels. “The joy of the Spirit,” He can be vexed or even grieved.

                Much is made of Jesus sacrifice to be born as a human in a manger. He that was co-equal with God would give up His majestic Heavenly dwelling to “slum it” with us. But what of the Holy Spirits who left the same comforts to indwell us. This is the unction we now have. We are born again of the Spirit of God. This is our empowerment, He is our power. At conversion the Holy Spirit comes into our Spirit and we become the children of God.

                Jesus did no miracles until the Holy Spirit came upon Him. Think of the Old Testament hero’s and how often it says; “the Holy Spirit came upon them.” Samson, Gideon, Jepthah, Saul and the prophets. The Holy Spirit is God’s active agent to humanity.

                To reject the Holy Spirit is to disallow God to move. If God does not move there can be no salvation. The unpardonable sin is not something God will not forgive. It means the only means of redemption is utterly rejected. There is one cure for man’s sin ailment, the Holy Spirit, if that medicine is forsaken there is nothing but death. Allow the Holy Spirit to move into your life.

                If you fear you have committed the unpardonable sin then I greatly doubt you have. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a conscience direct denial of the Holy Spirits work. It is insulting the person of the Spirit and there for disallowing Him to work. Let us thank God and welcome the work of His Spirit.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Trend Setters

“She reached to touched the hem of his garment…from all around they came begging to just touch the hem of His garment.” Mark 5:27, 6:56

Be a trend setter. The women with the issue of blood started something new. She had exhausted all her wealth trying to find a cure. Nothing could help her. She had heard of the miracles of Jesus and hope was reborn in her. Her thought; “If I can only touch His garment” became revolutionary for many. When she pressed in and touched Jesus power was released. She got her healing. But the miracle was contagious. Others heard of her faith and her method. Then people from all over came just to touch His garment.

Where did that idea come from? Was it just a spark of genius? She did not even need a word from Jesus. She did not even need to touch Him, just His garment. She had faith in proximity to Jesus. That something of Him radiated out. She was right and rewarded so many followed her in doing the same. She set a new standard of faith. The bar was not lowered but she gave all a step to lift up on.   

Limited by space and time in His humanity Jesus could not meet the demanding needs of all those who were sick in the world. They had to come to Him. Even so, we see there was times when not all could get a touch or a glimpse. Think of when they had to lower the paralytic through the roof or when Zachiaus had to climb a tree. They are but the aggressive ones. Be bold to come to God in your way. Others will follow when they see the reward for your faith.