Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Why Don't you Like Jesus?

“If anyone chooses to do Gods will then he will know if my teaching is from God.” Jn7:17

                I do not understand what people do not like about Jesus. If they took an hour of their life to read any of the gospels from the beginning, they would like Jesus. I think it is silly that the content of what Jesus taught gets overlooked. He was a revolutionary teacher that has changed civilization.

                What part of what Jesus taught do not people like? Is it where you have to forgive in order to be forgiven? Come now, every psychologist will discourage bitterness and revenge. Is it where Jesus emphasized the importance of being compassionate to the least? Does helping widows, orphans and the poor get people angry? Is it that Jesus spoke Gods Spirit enabling us to live better lives, that makes those that haven’t received jealous?

                If you seek God you will find Jesus. Jesus revealed God, was God, is God. Jesus is the way to God. In seeking Jesus you will receive the Holy Spirit for He reveals Jesus.

                Some of the claims of Jesus as God is what the religious leaders charged Jesus criminally with. Many people today don’t believe that a man could be the Son of God. But the claims aside, charge Him with the content of His life. My challenge would be investigate what He said and how He lived before you decide you don’t like Him. Is it a problem that He healed people? Isn’t that a nice thing to do? Do people take issue that He cast out demons, that people that were cutting themselves and trying to commit suicide finally found peace? What part of Jesus don’t they like?

                If you seek God you would see the qualities of Jesus. And you would like Him.  

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