Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Blessing to a Curse

“I will curse your blessings, I have cursed your blessings because you did not lay it to heart.” Mal2:2

                God is no robot. He is a conscience Being. He gives and He takes away. All things are bear before His eyes. There is nothing that says God can’t take the good in our lives and turn it for evil.

                We like to say that “all things work out for good” but that is not true. That is only half the promise. “All things work out for good for those that love God and are called according to His purpose.” What does that say for those that don’t love God? Or those that are not living for His purpose? It will not work out for good.

                Blessings can become curses if we do not honor God with them. Yesterday’s success can be tomorrow’s idolatry. When we become complacent because the good things in our life, those good things may change into bad things.

                God’s chief concern for us is the condition of our heart. Actions stem from belief. If we do not have faith, our deeds will be displeasing to God. Put it deep in your heart that you will serve God. Thank Him for His blessings but do not be sidetracked by them.

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