Wednesday, July 24, 2013

We are Better without Jesus

“It is for your advantage that I go away, for if I go I will send the Advocate.” Jn16:7

                Jesus was limited to a body in His incarnation. It was by the power of the Holy Spirit that He did His miracles. The amazing news is that we too receive that same Holy Spirit. We become the most powerful hybrid in the universe; men synthesized with God. Jesus did it in reverse. He was God that put on flesh. We are flesh that puts on God.

                The Holy Spirit is a gift. He is a promise. But He had to be purchased. It cost Jesus His life to give us the Advocate. Every covenant has a token. Noah received a rainbow to remind him of God’s sacred oath. Abraham was given circumcision to remind them of God’s relationship to them. In our day, a man gives a woman a ring in the covenant of marriage. That signifies a special, unique relationship. Jesus made a better covenant with mankind that Noah, Abraham, Moses or even David. God gives us the Holy Spirit as the down payment. He is proof of what is to come. He is like an engagement ring, great in itself but demonstrating something even better is coming.

                Jesus sends the Holy Spirit. Have you received this great gift? Do you have grand expectations of what is ahead? If you know you have an Advocate, you know great things ahead.

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