Monday, July 15, 2013

How to improve your Memory

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name. He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things I said to you.” Jn14:26

                Jesus goes that the Holy Spirit might come. Remember, Jesus did no miracles until the Holy Spirit came upon Him. Now, Jesus desires the Holy Spirit to come upon us.

                God knows we need help. God knows you need more than you are to live this life victoriously. That is why He has given us the Holy Spirit. Sent in the name of Jesus means by the will of Jesus, in the authority of Jesus, and will happen because of Jesus. You receiving the Holy Spirit is definitely what God wants.

                The Holy Spirit points you to Jesus. He teaches what Jesus taught. He reminds you of what Jesus said.

                I have come across smart mouthed students who when I ask; “did you study for your test?” Reply with; “The Holy Spirit will reveal to me the answers.” No friend. He is not your excuse to be lazy. He primarily gives remembrance. What you read, what you studied, what you heard at church, He will stir you heart with. He works with us.

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