Friday, July 5, 2013

Here is Help

“I will pray the Father and He will send you Another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.” Jn14:16

                Jesus was mankind’s great Helper. The Holy Spirit is now mankind’s great Helper. Note the personal pronoun. The Holy Spirit is a “He” not a force. He is given a title to clarify what He does for us, Helper. In Greek the word is a compound derived from “para” meaning along side “clete” meaning “to help.” It is a legal term for a consoler. They tutor in aspects of the law. They have your side. They plead your case to the judge.

                In being born again we receive the Holy Spirit into our spirit forever. He is the agent in resurrection that brings us spiritual life. This is how Jesus comes to us “manifesting” and “abiding” with us. We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, this is Jesus coming to us. The word “Another” means of the same substance, the same essence.  He is the gift from God similarly as Jesus was.

                The world cannot receive the Holy Spirit. Not until they believe in Jesus. He is the enlightener, the regenerator, the indweller that is God. Though He knocks on the door of every heart, He only enters where invited. Won’t you ask Him today?

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