Saturday, July 13, 2013

How God can Work through You

“He will glorify Me, He will take what is mine and declare it to you.” Jn16:14

                Many Christians complain about reading the Bible; “I don’t understand it. It is too hard. How do I know what it means?” We know by the Spirit that declares Jesus to us. He is the author that unites the text. God has communicated by His word and given us a Teacher.  We know the mind of God by His Spirit in us. The mysteries of God are revealed to us by His Spirit. We have an inside tract to understanding the Divine.

                                Jesus points to the Father and the Holy Spirit points to Jesus. The triune glory is shared. Jesus came in the Fathers name. The Holy Spirit comes in Jesus name. Jesus taught what the Father told Him. The Holy Spirit teaches what Jesus did. Jesus did the works of the Father. The Holy Spirit does the works of Jesus, He continues them through us. We are the vessels of the Holy Spirits work, a holy temple in which He dwells. Our hands are His hands, our feet His feet, and our mind, His mind.

                Heaven comes to earth through the working of the Spirit. The power of the Kingdom of God moves through Him, then through us. Does your life give Jesus glory? Do you declare the things of God? These are evidences of the Holy Spirits working in your life. If not ask Jesus to send you His Spirit right now.

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