Thursday, July 18, 2013

Don't Question Gods Love

“I have loved you;” saith the Lord. Yet you say; “Wherein hast Thou loved us?” Mal1:2

                Does God love you? How sad that some would question. Yet in our day, people are so ungrateful to God.

                God demonstrates His love to us every day in a thousand ways. Health, wealth, friends, the balance of nature, the soundness of our minds, the conviction of His Spirit, the availability of His word, His promises, His working on us and through us. Any goodness we receive in life is undeserved and is because He loves us. It is like death row inmates, whatever kind things they do, have no bearing on my life, I simply know they are worthy of death. That is like the state of human kind, yet God is good to us.

                Love can be measured. I tease my wife that I love her more than she loves me. “Not possible” she says. “No I am bigger. I weigh a lot more. So there is more of me to give you love and more of me you have to love, therefore I love you more.” Ha. But the point is, some do love more than others, not because the size of their physic but by how much they give.

                God gave His own Son. Jesus came into history, hung on a cross to take the penalty of our sins. That proves that God loves the most. To reject this substitutionary sacrifice is to say; “God doesn’t love and has not done anything for me.” How insulting?

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