Sunday, July 28, 2013

We are Walking Resumes

You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men. 2Cor3:2

                My kids constantly break things. Cups drop, toys get stepped on, they accidently throw things I need in the trash. They come to me with a big bottom lip and teary eyes; “Dad I’m sorry, I broke…I lost.. I threw out your…” I have the same response; “Nothing last forever except your soul.”

                That is true. Nothing matters except the eternal things. And what would those be? Money, no. Fame, no. Pleasures, no. You could gain the world and lose your soul and you would be a fool to do it. Nothing of this earth will last.

Your life only matters in the effect it has on others. You want to be great? Than serve others. Pour yourself into them. Artists think their work will outlast them, but it will not outlast this age. Monuments come and go, records are broken but the impact you have on other souls will never end.

Paul didn’t need documented authority. No one checked his resume, no one called his references, he didn’t even need a graduate’s degree because his relationship with them stood for itself. He was heard in their words. He was seen in their mannerisms. Who is replicating you? Who is your letter? Who is your gift to the world?   

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