Saturday, July 6, 2013

How God Helped my Emotions

Jesus wept. Jn11:35

                As a pastors kid I grew up hearing about the Bible. I knew all about God. My Sunday school chart was stickered out. The stories were deep in my mind. When I met Jesus for myself I was 13 years old. It was the most powerful experience of my life. I knew I was right with God and I understood I was forgiven.

                The teenage years are tough for everyone. I often felt lonely. I loved the Lord and did my best to live righteously. I enjoyed church and Bible reading. I had no desire for alcohol or partying or living sinfully, I was content. But I did not go to God with my emotions and those are emotional years. I knew Him. My mind knew about Him. My soul connected with Him, I was cleansed and full of His Spirit. But I did not tell God of my sadness or when I was hurt. I would just go to the park and play basketball or shoot around on my driveway. I could be there for hours just working it out in my head.

                It was not until I understood that “Jesus wept” that I had emotional relief, that He felt like I felt. I am made in the image of God and God is emotional. No one gets angry more times in the Scripture than the Almighty. God “was sorry He made man.” “Grieve not the Holy Spirit,” God feels. At times He even feels sad. I think Jesus felt lonely on the cross “my God, my God why have You forsaken me.” Jesus understood betrayal from a friend, Judas was His friend. He understands when people He loved didn’t support Him, “His brothers did not believe.” He has experienced all His disciples fleeing at His arrest. In His hour of need they had slept and then ran.

                When I considered that God could identify with my feelings it was like a huge burden was lifted. I am never alone. Someone always understands. I talk to God now when I am disappointed or frustrated or sad or just had a bad day. I sense His presence and know His comfort.

                Jesus wept to enter into their grief. He knew He would raise Lazarus. Jesus did not come to take away your pain, He came to enter into it. Allow Him to heal your heart. Understand that He understands.

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