Sunday, July 28, 2013

We are Walking Resumes

You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men. 2Cor3:2

                My kids constantly break things. Cups drop, toys get stepped on, they accidently throw things I need in the trash. They come to me with a big bottom lip and teary eyes; “Dad I’m sorry, I broke…I lost.. I threw out your…” I have the same response; “Nothing last forever except your soul.”

                That is true. Nothing matters except the eternal things. And what would those be? Money, no. Fame, no. Pleasures, no. You could gain the world and lose your soul and you would be a fool to do it. Nothing of this earth will last.

Your life only matters in the effect it has on others. You want to be great? Than serve others. Pour yourself into them. Artists think their work will outlast them, but it will not outlast this age. Monuments come and go, records are broken but the impact you have on other souls will never end.

Paul didn’t need documented authority. No one checked his resume, no one called his references, he didn’t even need a graduate’s degree because his relationship with them stood for itself. He was heard in their words. He was seen in their mannerisms. Who is replicating you? Who is your letter? Who is your gift to the world?   

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Don't Weary God

You have wearied the Lord by saying; “everyone that does evil is good.” Mal2:17

                How tired of our foolishness the Lord must be. To ignore God is bad. There are many that simply say; “there is no God.” They are willing ignorant. But what is worst is to acknowledge there is a God and them make Him appear to be evil.

                There are some that twist the truth. They promote same sex marriages and they say; “this is good. This is what God wants.” They weary the Lord. “Woe to those that call darkness light and light darkness.” There are some that same; “all religions are of God, they are all the same and all lead to Him.” This is far from Christian. If there were so many easier ways, why would God send His only Son to die on a cross? If there was any other way, it would have been that other way.

                The priests were condemned because they said; “any offering is good.” They encouraged people to give what they wanted not to give as they should. This same mentality is still around. Instead of being strong and demanding many ministers are weak and all accepting. We do not help people by deceiving  them about a lower bar. We help them by showing them the real standard and teaching them they need Gods help to reach it.

Friday, July 26, 2013

3 Baptisms

“John baptized with water; but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” Act1:5

                There are three baptism intended for every believer. They are separate in purpose, substance, and baptizer. Consider your own experiences, have you received all three? Baptism means emersion. In ancient times it was used of pickling. A vegetable is dunked into a jar with vinegar, the vinegar goes into it and surrounds it.

                First, at conversion your spirit is “born again.” The Holy Spirit is the baptizer, the substance is your soul and the purpose is for salvation. Paul speaks of the Holy Spirit baptizing us into the body of believers. This is where God enters your heart. He comes all around you and inside of your spirit.

                Second, we should be water baptized. The purpose of this is for public confession and a sign of repentance. The baptizer is a fellow believer and the substance is water. Jesus commanded us to do this. If you haven’t let me know. Our church just got a baptismal. I would love to be a part of this milestone in your life.

                Lastly, there is a subsequent experience with the Holy Spirit from conversion. The purpose is for power to witness. Jesus is the baptizer and the substance is the Holy Spirit. This is where the fire, the passion, the courage of the Christian comes from. It is evidenced with a gift being manifested, most often speaking in tongues. But there are other gifts given too. I was greatly changed when I was baptized with the Holy Spirit. I went from a good Christian struggling to win others to an effective preacher and evangelist. I could not have started or pastored a church without this experience in my life. If you haven’t experienced it, ask God for it. Sometimes it helps to have others lay hands and pray with you.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Get Power

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you shall be my witnesses.” Act1:8

                God wants to empower you. He wants you to have His Spirit active in your life. How effective is your witnessing? How many people have you led to Christ in the last month? In the last week? If you admit, you feel you should be doing more, the good news is God wants to better equip you.

                The power of the Spirit transforms. He makes us bold. I have seen a small loud mouth celebrity mouthing off to crowds but only in the presence of their big body guards. I have seen gang leaders throw up signs and walk hard while in the company of their crew. Confidence comes in knowing you are not alone. Great confidence comes when the ones we are with are powerful. God assures us He is with us. It is the Holy Spirit that gifts us. In seeing the manifestations of His work through us, we gain courage.

                What is most important to witness? Is it education? No the disciples were uneducated men and won thousands. Is it spending time with Jesus? Judas did, didn’t work so well. The answer is simple, it is being filled with the Holy Spirit. Power is always going through the electrical sockets in my walls, it is a matter of harnessing the flow. The metal prongs at the end of a cord fit perfectly to receive that energy. The Holy Spirit wants you to open your heart and connect with His power. Receive it by faith. Ask Him.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

We are Better without Jesus

“It is for your advantage that I go away, for if I go I will send the Advocate.” Jn16:7

                Jesus was limited to a body in His incarnation. It was by the power of the Holy Spirit that He did His miracles. The amazing news is that we too receive that same Holy Spirit. We become the most powerful hybrid in the universe; men synthesized with God. Jesus did it in reverse. He was God that put on flesh. We are flesh that puts on God.

                The Holy Spirit is a gift. He is a promise. But He had to be purchased. It cost Jesus His life to give us the Advocate. Every covenant has a token. Noah received a rainbow to remind him of God’s sacred oath. Abraham was given circumcision to remind them of God’s relationship to them. In our day, a man gives a woman a ring in the covenant of marriage. That signifies a special, unique relationship. Jesus made a better covenant with mankind that Noah, Abraham, Moses or even David. God gives us the Holy Spirit as the down payment. He is proof of what is to come. He is like an engagement ring, great in itself but demonstrating something even better is coming.

                Jesus sends the Holy Spirit. Have you received this great gift? Do you have grand expectations of what is ahead? If you know you have an Advocate, you know great things ahead.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Words that Weary God

You have wearied the Lord with your words. Mal2:17

                Do you ever get tired of someone just talking and not doing anything? So does God. Do you ever feel insulted by empty apologies that have no remorse? So does God. Does it bother you when people just assume they can treat you however they want? So does God.

                Jesus warns us about using empty words, especially when we pray. We are not to just keep rambling on or be repetitive. God seeks after people with a contrite heart, people who want to change. God demands repentance. That means new actions and not the old ones.

                We should not just talk about improving ourselves, we need to be about it. The priests in Malichi’s day were offering sacrifices but they were the worst of the flock. They would talk about God and do the minimum their job required but they were not living right. This can hit close to home. Are you a “Christian” who does the minimum? One who talks a little about God but never to Him? Don’t weary the Lord with words, bless Him with your actions.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Speak of Jesus

“When the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.” Jn15:26

                The Holy Spirit does not lie. He is of the truth, for the truth and from the Truth. He is the pure element in your conscience. He is the voice of highest godliness. God wants you to have Him in your life, so He has sent Him to you.

                Jesus is the Holy Spirits favorite topic. People that do not like talking about Jesus have not received the Helper. Ears that do not enjoy hearing about Jesus are void of the Holy Spirit. How do you feel when you have an opportunity to speak of Jesus? Or when you hear others talk of Him? Your response is a good barometer of your spiritual life.

                We would do well to think like the Holy Spirit. It is not about us but about Jesus. Jesus is our message. We speak of Him. Our lives reflect Him. From our budgets, to our methods of discipline of our children, to our manner of speech all should point to Jesus. How is your testimony? The Holy Spirit will help you better speak of Jesus. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I and My Father are One

“I and my Father are One.” Jn10:30

                Jesus claimed to be God. There is no question. Several times the religious leaders of His day tried to kill Him because His claim. Eventually they would crucify Him under the charge of claiming to be God’s Son. Jesus knew who He was and where He came from.

                The doctrine of the trinity is greatly supported by this passage. God in three distinct persons. Yet they are One. In First John it says similar; “and the three are One.” At the baptism we get another view of this. The Father is speaking from Heaven, the Holy Spirit is descending as a dove and Jesus is coming out of the water. We see them separate. Yet the claim is they are one. Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit as “another” Comforter. The word for “another” means of the same substance, of the essence, of the same material. Jesus words “I will come to you” are fulfilled through the Holy Spirit.

                Who is in your heart? Is it God or Jesus or the Holy Spirit? They are the same. Jesus is saying that He is God and He does the work of God. The proof is in what He did and said. It is still powerful today.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Blessing to a Curse

“I will curse your blessings, I have cursed your blessings because you did not lay it to heart.” Mal2:2

                God is no robot. He is a conscience Being. He gives and He takes away. All things are bear before His eyes. There is nothing that says God can’t take the good in our lives and turn it for evil.

                We like to say that “all things work out for good” but that is not true. That is only half the promise. “All things work out for good for those that love God and are called according to His purpose.” What does that say for those that don’t love God? Or those that are not living for His purpose? It will not work out for good.

                Blessings can become curses if we do not honor God with them. Yesterday’s success can be tomorrow’s idolatry. When we become complacent because the good things in our life, those good things may change into bad things.

                God’s chief concern for us is the condition of our heart. Actions stem from belief. If we do not have faith, our deeds will be displeasing to God. Put it deep in your heart that you will serve God. Thank Him for His blessings but do not be sidetracked by them.

Friday, July 19, 2013


When they were come up Out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing. Act8:39

                God does the impossible. By nature of being God, He is supernatural. The laws of time, space, and cause and effect have no bearing on Him. God physically took Philip and brought him to another location. If God can save a soul from Hell what is any other thing?

                The effect of salvation is rejoicing. When Spirit filled people are in your company there is power.

                It is wrong to doubt God. Remember this simple story. God grabbed Philip and put Him where He wanted. There is nothing impossible with God. Pray and ask, believe that mountains can be moved. God is a God of transportation. Noah built the arc under His instruction. He provided short cuts when He parted the Red Sea and the Jordan River. He watched Moses float down the Nile and directed the baby boat to Pharaoh’s daughter.  God is watching over you. He can take you out of any situation at any time. Never give up. That moment may be just a blink away.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Don't Question Gods Love

“I have loved you;” saith the Lord. Yet you say; “Wherein hast Thou loved us?” Mal1:2

                Does God love you? How sad that some would question. Yet in our day, people are so ungrateful to God.

                God demonstrates His love to us every day in a thousand ways. Health, wealth, friends, the balance of nature, the soundness of our minds, the conviction of His Spirit, the availability of His word, His promises, His working on us and through us. Any goodness we receive in life is undeserved and is because He loves us. It is like death row inmates, whatever kind things they do, have no bearing on my life, I simply know they are worthy of death. That is like the state of human kind, yet God is good to us.

                Love can be measured. I tease my wife that I love her more than she loves me. “Not possible” she says. “No I am bigger. I weigh a lot more. So there is more of me to give you love and more of me you have to love, therefore I love you more.” Ha. But the point is, some do love more than others, not because the size of their physic but by how much they give.

                God gave His own Son. Jesus came into history, hung on a cross to take the penalty of our sins. That proves that God loves the most. To reject this substitutionary sacrifice is to say; “God doesn’t love and has not done anything for me.” How insulting?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Why God had a Baby Born Blind

“Neither this man nor his parents sinned but that the glory of God may be revealed.” Jn9:3

                Tragedy is assumed sin. Not everything that is uncomfortable or hurtful is wrong or evil. Happiness and pleasure are not the Kingdom of God. Hardship can develop character. Sickness, poverty can bring about opportunities for God to work. How can God get glory for healing if there were no ailments?

                Jesus disciples figured that this man born blind had sinned. Kind of silly. How much iniquity can a baby cause in the womb? They thought maybe his parents sinned and the boy was being punished. Likewise the Pharisees said the same; “you were steeped in sin at birth.” Both were wrong. It was the plan of God that the man would be blind. God wanted to reveal something about Himself to the world, that He is our light. This man was privileged to be the canvas of God’s artistry.

                An encounter with Jesus altered his life. His testimony sounded loudly. People couldn’t believe he was the same guy. God is wise. He allows pain in our life and uses others to heal us. That, in turn, we will be able to strengthen, encourage and help others from it. God can use your biggest weakness to be His best story.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What I have written I have written

“What I have written I have written.” Pilate Jn19:22

                One of the great dangers in life is to know what is right but lack the courage to do it. Pilate was afraid of what others would think. He lived to people please. He asked the right questions but did not wait for the right answers. And when he knew the answer he lacked the inner strength to react properly.

                Pilate wrote above the cross; “Jesus of Nazareth; the King of the Jews.” The Jewish leaders wanted him to change it to; “he said he was the King of the Jews.” But Pilate refused. Perhaps he was using the sign as an insult to them. Even today, I have seen Jesus used to hurt others. In the name of Christ, people are purposefully offended. They are condemned. They are shamed. And they are boxed in.

                Pilate refused to change his changeable past. He could have easily made a new board or could have added a few words. Was it laziness? Is it our laziness when we don’t make wrong things right? Not everything is as obvious. If I make a spelling mistake on this page (which I’m currently have several) I will fix it before I post it. But what of the sins we know our wrong but keep anyway?

                My advice is be changeable. Be humble. Don’t type cast yourself. Constantly improve. Treat Jesus as King, as Lord. Be determined that you will grow into a better and better follower. Pilate did not right his wrongs, today you can.

Monday, July 15, 2013

How to improve your Memory

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name. He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things I said to you.” Jn14:26

                Jesus goes that the Holy Spirit might come. Remember, Jesus did no miracles until the Holy Spirit came upon Him. Now, Jesus desires the Holy Spirit to come upon us.

                God knows we need help. God knows you need more than you are to live this life victoriously. That is why He has given us the Holy Spirit. Sent in the name of Jesus means by the will of Jesus, in the authority of Jesus, and will happen because of Jesus. You receiving the Holy Spirit is definitely what God wants.

                The Holy Spirit points you to Jesus. He teaches what Jesus taught. He reminds you of what Jesus said.

                I have come across smart mouthed students who when I ask; “did you study for your test?” Reply with; “The Holy Spirit will reveal to me the answers.” No friend. He is not your excuse to be lazy. He primarily gives remembrance. What you read, what you studied, what you heard at church, He will stir you heart with. He works with us.

Is Your Cause worth Hurting Your Friends?

The priest plotted Lazarus death also. Jn12:10

                It is one thing for a man to choose a road of suffering for himself, it is another thing entirely if a man choose to take his family down the same road. A great many die for what they believe but few will take their friends with them. The cause of Christ is so powerful Jesus willing put others in danger.

                Think of the purpose of your life. Are you willing to sacrifice your vices to get it? Would you willingly give up drunkenness, drugs, late nights and a bad diet? Of course you should. Would you give up the good things of life? Cut back on seeing friends and family, sleep and comfort to get closer to your goal? The dedicated will. Are you willing to suffer? I’m sure. But are you willing to have others suffer for your calling? This question cannot be answered by your sincerity or hard work. It can only be answered by the content of the quest.

                Suffering is a part of life. All will suffer for good or for bad.  I think my calling to establish Riverside Christian Assembly as an autonomous local church is a worthy mission. I have never been shy if people wanted to give of their time, resources or finances. We are all dripping buckets, all we are will one day be gone, we are measured by were the contents fall. Others will give of themselves to benefit RCA. I believe in “the blessing of Abram” those that bless our church will be blessed.

                Lazarus would suffer for Jesus, but keep in mind that Jesus first raised him from the dead. The Kingdom of God encompassed overcoming death. That was Jesus purpose. Those benefited by it should be willing to give for it. Is your purpose powerful enough?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

How God can Work through You

“He will glorify Me, He will take what is mine and declare it to you.” Jn16:14

                Many Christians complain about reading the Bible; “I don’t understand it. It is too hard. How do I know what it means?” We know by the Spirit that declares Jesus to us. He is the author that unites the text. God has communicated by His word and given us a Teacher.  We know the mind of God by His Spirit in us. The mysteries of God are revealed to us by His Spirit. We have an inside tract to understanding the Divine.

                                Jesus points to the Father and the Holy Spirit points to Jesus. The triune glory is shared. Jesus came in the Fathers name. The Holy Spirit comes in Jesus name. Jesus taught what the Father told Him. The Holy Spirit teaches what Jesus did. Jesus did the works of the Father. The Holy Spirit does the works of Jesus, He continues them through us. We are the vessels of the Holy Spirits work, a holy temple in which He dwells. Our hands are His hands, our feet His feet, and our mind, His mind.

                Heaven comes to earth through the working of the Spirit. The power of the Kingdom of God moves through Him, then through us. Does your life give Jesus glory? Do you declare the things of God? These are evidences of the Holy Spirits working in your life. If not ask Jesus to send you His Spirit right now.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

What it Takes to Lead

“Look for seven men of honest report, filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we can appoint over their business.” Act6:4

                The early church qualification for leadership was to be filled with the Holy Spirit. They did not have a board of business men or group of donors that made decisions they had Spirit filled men that served. What a difference?

                I think it is weak when churches have two boards. Some have a board of ministry, like the pastor and the deacons and elders and a separate board that makes money decision made of wealthy business men and influential people. If you think you are not qualified to minister, you are reading the wrong book. Every member is a minister. The preacher is to equip them for the work of the ministry. But His words do not empower, that is the work of the Holy Spirit. You cannot buy my vote. I would chose power over money any day.

                I am in favor of Spirit filled men leading. What if they are less educated? Like Peter. What if they are not used to making big decisions? Then they pray, shouldn’t they anyway. Are we wise by the world or obedient to God? They must be  in-tune with the Holy Spirit. Their choices to spend money in certain ways may have more to do with faith than reason. God knows times better than investors. He knows what projects will succeed and which ones need to fail. God knows it is about developing people to serve.  Are you qualified?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How to hear the Holy Spirit speaking to you

Then the Spirit said unto Philip, “Go near, and join thyself to this chariot.” Act8:29

                Some call the Book of Acts, the Acts of the apostles” but a better name is “the Acts of the Holy Spirit.” It was the Spirit that spoke. The Spirit that empowered. The Spirit that directed. The Spirit that filled.

                The Spirit of God still speaks. There is power all around me in my house. It flows in the walls, thousands of volts, enough to kill every living thing in it. But the power is only accessible through the electrical outlet. If I do not stick some conductor in, the power is worthless to me. Likewise, there are invisible radio waves floating through the air. They are all around us, all the time. But they are meaningless unless you tune into their frequency. So it is with God. He is always speaking, but do we have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying?

                When was the last time you felt led to lead a specific individual to salvation? Do you think the Holy Spirit is not preparing souls right now? He is convicting the world. He is being poured out upon all flesh. He is drawing all men to Jesus.

                If you need direction in life, you do not need to listen to your heart. You must listen to God’s heart, through the voice of the Holy Spirit. Will you listen for His Spirit today?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Your not an Insufficient Minister

Who also made us sufficient as ministers of the New Testament. 2cor3:6

                There are days when I feel overwhelmed. Some Sunday afternoons I catch myself muttering the stupid things I said during the sermon to myself. Lord help me if I bomb a joke, ha, I feel that one like a knock punch the next day. For a long time when I preached there would be this terrible moment about 20 minutes into the message. It was when I felt like no one was receiving what I was saying, like the only attendance was hostility. There would be like 50 people in a hall that seats 400, and the first pews taken were the back row. A baby would cry, youth would talk, a phone goes off, and I am tempted to leave the pulpit and just walk out. I know it sounds silly but there is a cold sweat that comes and a voice that whispers in my ear; “give in, no one cares, they want you to stop.” But I power through.

                It is common to feel insufficient. But I am not. I am adequate. More than that, I am effective. That is what a minister must know. My faithful service unto God will be rewarded with better service. I’ll be faithful in the little things until something bigger is given. A warrior goes to war not because glory or because they won’t get hurt but because they are the right ones to get hurt. Because they have a great leader.

                It is good to know that God makes me sufficient. Preaching the gospel is a Holy Spirit weapon. It is not the sound of the gun but the damage on impact that matters. With God’s help, my voice, preaching His words have life altering effects.

                Tell yourself what this verse says; “I am equipped. I am ready. I will do a good job.” It is not psychobabble or self-motivation, it is the truth. Either God helps us to be effective or He doesn’t. I’m going to keep believing that He uses me. He makes me sufficient. So I am what He says.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Shake it Up

And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the word of God with boldness. Act4:31

                God by definition is supernatural. When He works it is above and beyond the natural order of things. The ground shook indicating He was moving. It was for the purpose of filling these believers so that they would speak boldly. The Holy Spirits baptism gives us power to witness. This too is supernatural. Not because of the words but because the effect it has on other people.

                My college basketball team had some terrible losing seasons. Bad like 1-26, average game we lost by 38.5 points, that bad. But when I was a senior we won our league and were 15-10, best in school history. The reason was a guy named John Anderson (plus a great coach), John averaged 26 points, 5 rebounds, 5 assists and 4 steals. When he was on the court we knew we could compete with anyone. He was a great team mate. I went from losing to winning because of him. Likewise the Holy Spirit is your teammate. He makes you a winner. You now speak with Him assisting.

                God wants to shake your heart. He wants to fill you so that you will speak His word. It started with prayer and being with other believers as it does with us. Get to your churches midweek prayer. Go deep in your relationships with others by speaking about the eternal. Dare to be used by God.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

How God Helped my Emotions

Jesus wept. Jn11:35

                As a pastors kid I grew up hearing about the Bible. I knew all about God. My Sunday school chart was stickered out. The stories were deep in my mind. When I met Jesus for myself I was 13 years old. It was the most powerful experience of my life. I knew I was right with God and I understood I was forgiven.

                The teenage years are tough for everyone. I often felt lonely. I loved the Lord and did my best to live righteously. I enjoyed church and Bible reading. I had no desire for alcohol or partying or living sinfully, I was content. But I did not go to God with my emotions and those are emotional years. I knew Him. My mind knew about Him. My soul connected with Him, I was cleansed and full of His Spirit. But I did not tell God of my sadness or when I was hurt. I would just go to the park and play basketball or shoot around on my driveway. I could be there for hours just working it out in my head.

                It was not until I understood that “Jesus wept” that I had emotional relief, that He felt like I felt. I am made in the image of God and God is emotional. No one gets angry more times in the Scripture than the Almighty. God “was sorry He made man.” “Grieve not the Holy Spirit,” God feels. At times He even feels sad. I think Jesus felt lonely on the cross “my God, my God why have You forsaken me.” Jesus understood betrayal from a friend, Judas was His friend. He understands when people He loved didn’t support Him, “His brothers did not believe.” He has experienced all His disciples fleeing at His arrest. In His hour of need they had slept and then ran.

                When I considered that God could identify with my feelings it was like a huge burden was lifted. I am never alone. Someone always understands. I talk to God now when I am disappointed or frustrated or sad or just had a bad day. I sense His presence and know His comfort.

                Jesus wept to enter into their grief. He knew He would raise Lazarus. Jesus did not come to take away your pain, He came to enter into it. Allow Him to heal your heart. Understand that He understands.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Here is Help

“I will pray the Father and He will send you Another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.” Jn14:16

                Jesus was mankind’s great Helper. The Holy Spirit is now mankind’s great Helper. Note the personal pronoun. The Holy Spirit is a “He” not a force. He is given a title to clarify what He does for us, Helper. In Greek the word is a compound derived from “para” meaning along side “clete” meaning “to help.” It is a legal term for a consoler. They tutor in aspects of the law. They have your side. They plead your case to the judge.

                In being born again we receive the Holy Spirit into our spirit forever. He is the agent in resurrection that brings us spiritual life. This is how Jesus comes to us “manifesting” and “abiding” with us. We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, this is Jesus coming to us. The word “Another” means of the same substance, the same essence.  He is the gift from God similarly as Jesus was.

                The world cannot receive the Holy Spirit. Not until they believe in Jesus. He is the enlightener, the regenerator, the indweller that is God. Though He knocks on the door of every heart, He only enters where invited. Won’t you ask Him today?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

What are You Waiting For?

“Wait for the Promise of the Father.” Act1:5

                God cannot lie. He is true to His word. If God gives a promise than there is nothing more certain in all the world. I think everything else has happened; the sun has stood still, waters have parted, bread has been multiplied, armies have been blinded, the dead have been raised, all manner of human laws have been shattered by God. But God will not nor can He lie.

                The promise of God is not only sure it is worth waiting for. The Holy Spirit was the fulfillment of the guarantee. At the time they waited people were still in need of healing. Some were suffering from demon possession. Others had never heard the good news of Jesus. Yet they are told to wait.

                When a recruit signs up for the military, they are certainly not sent out the next day to go fight. There is a long screening, testing and training process before the possibility of combat. God does not want His troops going in under armed. Jesus did no miracles without the help of the Holy Spirit, neither can we. But Jesus had the Holy Spirit (descended on Him at His baptism) and now so do we.

                The disciples had to wait until Pentecost for the Spirit to be poured out upon them. We do not have to wait. He is already poured out. He is here. Waiting, wanting us to invite Him, He desires us to receive Him. For in Him is power. Such power it was worth waiting for. Do you have the Holy Spirit moving through you? If not why are you waiting? 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Why Don't you Like Jesus?

“If anyone chooses to do Gods will then he will know if my teaching is from God.” Jn7:17

                I do not understand what people do not like about Jesus. If they took an hour of their life to read any of the gospels from the beginning, they would like Jesus. I think it is silly that the content of what Jesus taught gets overlooked. He was a revolutionary teacher that has changed civilization.

                What part of what Jesus taught do not people like? Is it where you have to forgive in order to be forgiven? Come now, every psychologist will discourage bitterness and revenge. Is it where Jesus emphasized the importance of being compassionate to the least? Does helping widows, orphans and the poor get people angry? Is it that Jesus spoke Gods Spirit enabling us to live better lives, that makes those that haven’t received jealous?

                If you seek God you will find Jesus. Jesus revealed God, was God, is God. Jesus is the way to God. In seeking Jesus you will receive the Holy Spirit for He reveals Jesus.

                Some of the claims of Jesus as God is what the religious leaders charged Jesus criminally with. Many people today don’t believe that a man could be the Son of God. But the claims aside, charge Him with the content of His life. My challenge would be investigate what He said and how He lived before you decide you don’t like Him. Is it a problem that He healed people? Isn’t that a nice thing to do? Do people take issue that He cast out demons, that people that were cutting themselves and trying to commit suicide finally found peace? What part of Jesus don’t they like?

                If you seek God you would see the qualities of Jesus. And you would like Him.  

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Be the Loaded Gun

“then Peter filled with the Holy Spirit spoke unto them.” Act4:8

                There is a difference of speaking and speaking with the Holy Spirit. For 30 years Jesus spoke and hardly a sentence is recorded. Then volumes and books are written about His words after being filled with the Holy Spirit.

                Peter is a perfect example of the Holy Spirits power in our speech. Days before he was filled with the Holy Spirit he denied Jesus three times. Once to a servant girl, swearing he never knew Jesus. How cowardly. Then he is filled and he preaches to thousands. At this point he is giving an eloquent defense of God’s power. Miracles should match the message. If a holy work is done it should be well spoken of.

                It is good to point a gun at the center of a target. It takes skill to hold it steady, to cock it and pull the trigger. But what a difference it makes if the gun is loaded. Then it has power. It has effect. It is dangerous. So it is with those filled with the Holy Spirit. We don’t play anymore. We win souls. We are effective.

                Are you bold? How is your manner of speaking for the gospel? If the desire is in you to tell others about Jesus then the Spirit is stirring. Fan the flame. You speak and let the Holy Spirit inspire you. Be the loaded gun.  

Monday, July 1, 2013

Why I will Never Officiate a Gay Marriage

Why I will never officiate a gay marriage

                I know this is a hot topic. Officiating weddings fall underneath the umbrella of my profession. Often I get asked my opinion on it. I am not trying to win an argument but am simply stating my stance on why I will never preform a gay marriage.

                I will one day stand before God for everything I said and everything I didn’t say. As a preacher of the Bible I hold a sacred responsibility to teach its contents. The Bible could not be clearer that marriage is between a man and a women and that it is gravely wrong for any Christian minister to perform other ceremonies.

                Theologically it is irreconcilable. The purpose of marriage is to be a picture of Christ and the Church. This does not fit if both are the same sex. Historically, the Bible teaches God created Eve to complete Adam. Naturally it does not make sense to me. There are no gay animals. It goes against basic survival. Mentally I don’t understand. Morally it is simply against God’s code.

                There are some that will say; “I was born gay.” That to me is no excuse. When I went through puberty I desired to have sex with lots of girls but I didn’t. I used self-control. Many times I was angry and naturally I wanted to kill someone but I didn’t do that either. To give into lust and say; “I had a natural desire” just is not a sufficient answer. Some will say; “they are really in love” or “they love just as much as you.” But love can be wrong. “Don’t be unequally yoked” and “guard your heart,” mean you chose who you love. Love does not make it right. Others will say; “If it makes you happy.” This is not the creed for the Christian. The word “Happiness” comes from the Latin “happen stance” sometimes you have the right circumstance, sometimes you don’t. The Christian strives to live righteously with God. God has made it clear to live right with Him is to obey His word and not live in blatant rebellion.

                Like all people without the Lord they are hurting and trying to find happiness. They are like me, people made in the image of God trying to find their way through life. The difference is, many have believed a lie that they can’t change. People can change. We are all changing every day. That is what life is, a process we go through. I do not think they are “Americas downfall” or wish them harm. I do not lose sleep thinking evil about them. I know that God loves them. I honestly hope this blog does not push them further from God. At the end of the day, I come home to a beautiful wife, wonderful kids and a happy home. I stay positive knowing that God is working on every heart.  

                “By the power vested in me by the state of California I know pronounce you…” the state will do what it wants. I am not responsible for more than my vote and my voice. I do not expect the state to be the church. But to the gay clergy; you are to me what Judas was to the other disciples. You are without excuse. Sell outs. People come to you for the truth, one book you are so post to read and know and you deceive them. I have no peace with you, no part with you. You are not my brother or sister, you are a Judas. And those ministers in denominations that condone gay weddings, you’re staying in that movement is your consent. You are weak to me, if you cannot stand for the truth then turn in your pulpit. God will not bless what He said is cursed. So for me, I exercise my freedom to abstain from officiating any gay weddings.