Forgiven completely
To forgive
is to pardon. It is to set free. A practical definition is to; “let go of my
right to hurt you for hurting me.”
Ps113:12 as far as the east is from the west so has he
removed our transgressions.
Heb10:14 For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever
those who are being made holy.
2cor5:21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might
become the righteousness of God.
Isa43:25 I am He who blots out your sins and remembers
them no more.
Key questions
I need to ask for forgiveness after each time I sin?
do I know if I am going to heaven for sure?
Our understanding
of forgiveness
We have all
broken Gods laws therefore we are under judgment of His wrath (1). Until we put
our faith in what Jesus did on the cross we are like a guilty man in the county
jail awaiting sentencing. It is currently, presently, either we are abiding
under fear and condemnation or we have forgiveness and eternal life.
Jesus is
our substitute. He took the full wrath of God for us on the cross. There is no
double jeopardy. There is no wrath left for you. It is not Jesus and your penitence
or good deeds or not bad deeds. How arrogant? To think you could supplement the
cross, like you could take a drop from the cup of wrath.
God does
keep records of every deed, word and thought but those who are forgiven have
all their sins blotted out. They are paid in full by the blood of Jesus. Not only did Jesus take your sinful place to
forgive you. That is only half of the exchange; He shares His position in
Heaven with you. We will sit on thrones. We will judge the nations and the
angels. What a deal! He not only takes our bad but gives us His good.
is more than exoneration. That is the beginning but in that same moment God sends
His Spirit into our heart. This is what it is to be born again. This is what it
is to be “adopted” into His family. We become joint heirs with Jesus. We then have
the Son and the life of the Son. These things are written that we might know
that we have eternal life. “The Spirit bears witness with our spirit and we
know that we are the sons of God.” If you don’t know, you better know. It is
either because you did not understand or you have not experienced. You will
have spiritual life if you are forgiven. Do you have an appetite for the things
of God? Are you growing more like Him? Do you like His family (church)? His
Jesus only
died once for all our sins. All your sins, past, present and future were dealt
with at the same time, on the cross. When you prayed for forgiveness He heard
you. He heard you once and forever. You can only be born again once. In that
moment you changed categories. Not from bad to good but rather from outsider to
insider, from stranger to family, from guilty to innocent, from spiritually
dead to spiritually alive. You do not have to keep asking.
There are carnal
minds and immature Christians that would seek to abuse God’s grace. “God forbid”
we continue to sin because we are not under his wrath. We should not frustrate
the good mercy of God. If we have this attitude I would question if we were
ever born again. Living free from sin is far more enjoyable. Sin is but a cheap
imitation to what God has freely blessed us with. God’s forgiveness is from His
punitive wrath is not other people’s wrath or natural consequences. An STD or a
burglary or your car breaking down is not God’s wrath. They are the natural happens.
Your sins and other people’s sins make hardships happen. Whiling violating Gods
laws after being forgiven will not send you to Hell (God’s wrath) it will have negative
impacts on earth and you may incur Gods disciple.
If I saw
someone trying to seriously hurt my kids I would do my best to destroy them. They
would incur my wrath. It may be death or maiming. It would be bad. But much
differently from that is when my kids misbehave, I disciple them. They are
still my kids, even when act poorly. They have been born of me. They look more
and more like me, they act more and more like me. Of course their bad behavior
is forgiven, I love them no matter what because they are my family. Their life
goes better when they follow my rules. When they don’t; their bottom gets hurt,
toys get taken away, and life is less enjoyable.
forgiveness is complete and in a moment. He stands outside of time. He sees the
end from the beginning. Looking back on the cross that took all of your sins
reminds us to value Jesus as our substitute.
Driving it
Take a few
minutes and see if you can give a reasonable answer to the questions we started
I need to ask for forgiveness after each time I sin?
do I know if I am going to heaven for sure?
If you
can’t answer these questions, what further information is needed?