Tuesday, December 17, 2013

RCA Leadership Handbook 9 Dealing with Offense

Dealing with Offense

Every leader will be offended. Jesus said that we will “be hated.” The Christian is to expect opposition. Leaders will be disappointed and unfairly criticized. Fortunately Jesus teaches us how to deal with this hurt.

Key Verses

Mt18:15-18 If your brother sins against you go to him in private. If he repents you have gained a brother. If not bring one or two others and go to him again. If he does not repent bring it to the church.

Pro12:10 Love covers a multitude of sins.

1tim4:16-18 At my first defense no one stood by me, may it not be held against them.

Key Questions

1.       How should leaders in the church handle criticism and offense by others in the church?

2.       What is the proper channel for criticism of a church leader?

3.       What is the purpose of offenses at church?

Our understanding of dealing with offense

When someone we care about offends us we should go to them individually. Eye to eye we should explain why what they said or did hurt us and then listen to their response. The first level is to give them an opportunity to make things right. It is important that this is done in as private a manner as possible. If they repent and apologize, your relationship will be stronger for it. I have seen most offenses were not purposeful or deliberate or out of malice. Most of the time there were misunderstandings, miscommunications or bits of petty selfishness or immaturity. Brining a grievous to someone keeps them accountable and gives them an opportunity to demonstrate their care for you and show maturity.

If they do not repent or show remorse, we are to take the offense to the second level. Bring one or two trusted friends or authority figures with you and speak to them again. These people you brought are not only witnesses they are arbitrators. They are objective. People act different with a crowd. Now they think about their reputation and what those others think of them. At this point some will give into the peer pressure or the reasoning put another way and repent. Others will only grow harder.

If they still don’t hear you bring it to the pastor. The pastor is the shepherd of the flock. He is the spiritual authority. If he confronts someone’s offense and they do not listen, he has Biblical authority to remove them from the church. To “bring it before the church” does not mean I must announce their sins Sunday morning after the announcements and before the sermon or that I must have the guilty publically announce their sins. It means the pastor or elders are brought into the situation.

Criticism about church leaders can be brought directly to the pastor. But two things should be assumed; he will most likely direct the critic to the leader and/or will initially side with the leader.

Jesus truly foretold of the offenses and criticism that awaited Him. More than that, He has prophesied that we too would experience the pain of slander and personal attack. “Bless them that spitefully use you.” Remember Jesus words; “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

If you love them you will not share their business with others. Gossip is a serious sin for it grows division. When you hear something bad about someone, ask yourself “is this gossip?” “Why do I need to hear it?” You may have to rebuke the person telling you. It should have been their reaction to go to them and think the best of them.

Sin grows in the dark. Sins get enlarged. Stories get exaggerated the farther they get from the source. That is why Jesus says go to the source. Deal with just them if you can.

The church is a family. We are so post to have some conflicts because it proves us, it matures us. We are like diamonds that need to be rolled and rolled until the dirt and the rocks chip off. In the early church there was division, it was to prove who was of the truth. Paul had to rebuke Peter “to his face.” Jesus got after the Pharisees eye to eye. Conflict is a method of correction. A painful method but it is Gods method.

There have been times when I have been unfairly criticized in the church or had to deal with leaders who were offended. Sometimes I was wise enough to take this procedure.  I would call the offender into my offense and begin with a smile saying; “Well, right now you have the opportunity to gain a brother.” Knowing there was a conflict, this does some defusing. I would go on to preface the conversation saying that we can grow. That there can be more respect and depth of character shown by how we handle the situation from this point forward.


Don’t paint people in a corner or come at them with guns blazing. Be careful how you load up. Load up with love. Love covers sins. It believes the best and sees their future. Go to them, give them chances and if they don’t change they have proven themselves unworthy to be your brother or sister.  

Driving it Home

See if you can answer the questions we started with. If not what information is still needed.

1.       How should leaders in the church handle criticism and offense by others in the church?

2.       What is the proper channel for criticism of a church leader?

3.       What is the purpose of offenses at church?



Tuesday, December 10, 2013

RCA Leadership Handbook 8 Personal, Individual Recruitment

Personal, Individual Recruitment

Leaders cannot expect followers to come because of our reputation or cause, not yet. We must personally, individually recruit. This is done primarily face to face or occasionally over the phone. Challenge people, let them know they are needed and wanted and expected.

Key Verses

    Mk1:17 Jesus called Simon and Andrew; “put down your nets and I will make you fishers of men.”

     Mk3:12 Jesus called 12 apostles to be with him and to be sent out. They were…..

Key Questions

1.       How do I get people to show up at meetings, events, groups or outreaches?

2.       What is the role of the announcements and church bulletin in recruitment?

3.       How can I bring more people into the church?

Our Understanding of recruitment

The primary role of every Christian is to bring others to Jesus. “Go and make disciples” is still the command. Bringing others to church, outreaches and Christ can be difficult. What is the best way to do it? The answer is one on one personal recruitment. There is no replacing it.

Jesus recruited His followers by name. He knew them. With some of them He had a growing relationship. Others had listened to Him and known of His reputation. Jesus called each of the 12 disciples by name and to their face. To the fishermen; “leave your nets and I will make you fishers of men.” He identifies with them and challenges them to something greater. To Nathaniel sitting under the fig tree He said what would exactly correspond with what Nathaniel needed to hear. To Matthew it was a direct challenge. In each case we see Jesus not asking the masses to step forward rather several individuals called out.

When you want people to get involved make a list of people that you think would be most helpful or need to be there. People you have a relationship with or a reputation with. Jot down exactly their involvement; bring chips or hotdog buns, help with rides for three kids that live in downtown, speak for 15 minutes, pray for people, pack boxes, clean the floor, ect. Then articulate the importance of what you are doing; “We are going to bring the Kingdom of God to the troops by encouraging them with care packages. I need you to help. I know you have a lot of extra wet wipes because you use so many coupons and have so many kids. Can you bring those? Then could you help us pack the boxes.” Give people an exact time frame; “we want every one there by 6pm and we should be done by 7.”  Lastly, ask them to commit. “Can I count on you to be there?” If yes, great, you can expect them there. If maybe, make a note to follow up with them again in a few days. If no, that’s ok, it better they tell you now. Before the event starts you should know several people are coming for sure.

It is best to invite people in person, eye to eye. Make each invitation personal. Explain why they, uniquely would benefit from being involved. People generally do what they want to do. Use some salesmenship. Fishermen use bait. God made each person for the edification of the church. They will never be fully fulfilled until they are being used for what God made them for and that involves the church.

Do not relay on church announcements to bring people to your event. The purpose of the announcements and the bulletin is not primarily recruitment rather impression. It is good that people hear what is going on in the church and coming up. New people say; “wow, this is an active church. It sounds easy to get involved or get to know people.” Announcements are a great time to thank people and acknowledge them. It is a time to be excited about what God is doing. But if recruitment happens through public announcements you are unlikely to get the right or best people in the best places because you will primarily get available people. The only way to really ensure getting the best people to the right places is directly asking them.

In Conclusion

It should be the goal of every Christian to bring more people to church. Pray for them. And ask them. Maybe most importantly is you being consistent to church. New people rarely stay in a church that they are not connected to. If you are the primary connection for them and you are not there, I will bet they will not be there too often. You must be the example. They should be able to come and see you at church even if they don’t tell you they are coming. We are accountable to the people we have invited in the past to be there for when they do come. Be persistent. People rarely come on the first invitation. A good farmer is patient. A good soldier endures. There is nothing more important than their salvation so don’t grow weary of doing well you will reap your harvest.

Driving it Home

See if you can answer the questions we started with. If not what information is still needed.

1.        How do I get people to show up at meetings, events, groups or outreaches?

2.       What is the role of the announcements and church bulletin in recruitment?

3.       How can I bring more people into the church?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

RCA Leadership Handbook 7 Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Jesus pouring out His Spirit upon believers for the purpose of power is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The believer receives a new sense of boldness as one or more of the gifts is manifested. This is an experience promised by Jesus and intended for every Christian.

Key verses

Act1:8 You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses.

Jn16:7  I must leave so the Holy Spirit will come. The Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father.

  Mt3:11I baptize with water but one comes after me that baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire.

Key Questions

1.       What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

2.       Who is the baptism of the Holy Spirit for?

3.       How can I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

Our understanding of the baptism of the Holy Spirit

Jesus did not do miracles until the Holy Spirit came upon Him at His baptism. It was by the power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus did miracles. This is how God who emptied Himself of everything that is God could heal, raise the dead and exercise super natural abilities.

The word “baptism” in the New Testament at times simply meant an experience. Like when Jesus said; “I have a baptism to be baptized with and how I wish my baptism were already here.” Or when James and John wanted to sit at Jesus right hand and He asked them; “can you be baptized with the baptism I am going to be baptized with?” Neither of these referred to water but to an experience.

The word baptism in the literal sense means “emersion.” It was used of pickling cucumbers. They were completely saturated and surrounded by the vinegar water in a jar.

The “baptism” in baptism of the Holy Spirit utilizes both meanings. It is an experience and it is to be literally saturated and surrounded by the presence of God. The purpose of this experience is to empower the believer to be a more effective witness. Those who have been baptized in the Holy Spirit will testify of increased boldness, passion, and desire to win others to Christ.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is for all believers. Since the day of Pentecost in Acts2, the Spirit of God is being poured out upon all flesh. In Peters’ powerful sermon that day he said; “this promise of the Holy Spirit is for you, your children and as many as are afar off that will believe.

This experience is most often separate from salvation. It is to be “filled” and refilled. As one reads the book of Acts they will see over and over the same people being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. We are to “be being filled with the Holy Spirit (eph5:18)” constantly. This experience is to be replicated. That is what it is to be” Pentecostal” to have that same experience that had on Pentecost.   

Jesus spoke in great detail of this gift of the Holy Spirit. This was purchased at the cross at great expense. How tragic many don’t receive it?

Faith is all that is required to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Simply ask. God is a good father. He will not give you a scorpion if you ask for an egg. If you lack faith or are skeptical because of the abuses of the gifts you have seen. I encourage you to read Jn14-16, 1Cor12, and the book of Acts.

In Conclusion

Experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit has been the most empowering experiences I have ever had. I went from a Christian trying and failing to win people to Jesus to leading many and preaching all over the world. Look at Peter, he denied Jesus 3x and then filled with the Spirit he preaches to thousands. What a difference the baptism of the Holy Spirit makes!

Other views

1.       We no longer need this experience. Some terribly misquote 1Cor13:10 “until the perfect has come” as a reference to the cannon of scripture. The Perfect is Jesus. It is perfect love that drives out fear. Saying it is the Bible has absolutely no grounds. Paul had no idea he was writing the scripture. This is the farthest thought from the context. These will also say that the early church needed it then to be able to speak other languages but those on the day of Pentecost were at least bi-lingual for they communicated their understanding and they would not be coming to the temple not knowing Hebrew.

2.       The dispensation of the gifts is over. The idea of dispensation is very young. It basically says that God worked in unique ways in unique sets of time and no longer works that way. It is excuse theology that says because we don’t see miracles they must not be real.

3.       Some say that when we are born again we are baptized with the Holy Spirit and that is all there is. The trouble with that is that in Acts we see them be filled and filled again. Also the command to “be being filled with the Holy Spirit.” Act 19 stands in opposition. They were disciples baptized in water but had not yet been baptized with the Holy Spirit. When they were, the whole region heard the gospel.

Driving it home

Think of the questions we started with, can you answer them? If not what further information is needed?

1.       What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

2.       Who is the baptism of the Holy Spirit for?

3.       How can I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit?


Monday, November 25, 2013

RCA Leadership Handbook #6 The Ransom of Jesus

The Ransom of Jesus

A ransom is a fee that transfers ownership or sets free. It is when the agreed upon price is paid. Often used in reference to hostage or slaves being released.

Key Verses

1Tim2:6 Who gave Himself a ransom for all.

Mk10:45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

 2Cor5:21 He made Him sin that knew no sin that we might be the righteousness in God.

Key Questions

1.       If Jesus was a ransom, who was paid?

2.       What was purchased with the ransom of Jesus?

Our Understanding of the ransom of Jesus

God was paid by Jesus death on the cross. It was not Satan, he is not equal with God. Nor is Satan trustworthy in any deal. It was not mankind that that paid itself. It was “God’s good pleasure” that His servant suffer. God is the “He” in “He made Jesus sin who knew no sin.” But why would the Father go through the agony of having His Son be crucified?

There are two reasons. One is to satisfy is perfect justice. To be Himself, a good God, breaking His law must be punished. There must by atonement to balance the scales. Secondly the ransom paid was a demonstration of His love. This is how much He is willing to pay for you because this is how much He loves you. It could not be more.

Imagine you and your son are the greatest weight lifters in the world. You know what it takes. So the two of you decide to open up a free school in which you can train the next generation of world champions. Before any students come in, you agree to the standards that it takes to represent your name. You decide only champion level athletes that meet your standards can train. As the doors open students flock in. They stand in line as you clearly articulate the rules and the expectations. “Any breach and you will do 200 pushups. If you can’t than you can’t represent us.” You are the best, only the best. As you speak you see the excitement in their eyes. You start to like the new students. They remind you of yourself. You see the limitless potential in them and get more excited to train them. But no sooner do you conclude your introduction than the rules are breached. “200 pushups, all of you.” Their faces fall. None of them can preform what is required. None of them meet the standard. Because you love them and don’t want them to quit you ask your son to do the 200 pushups. As he willingly does, the students are impressed and inspired by how much you care and how much you believe in them. But who was that payment of pushups to? To you. So that you could both hold the standard and build them up.

The Ransom Christ paid was for our sins. Our transgressions, our law-breaking a Holy Gods laws had a fine attached. It was a bill we could not pay. We owed it to God. We broke Gods law. I have heard of a upright judge whose friend stood charged before him. The good judge handed down the maximum fine and then out of his own checkbook paid it on the spot. To be good, evil must be punished. Good cannot but be just and truthful. It is evil that compromises, evil that lies, evil that is ever changing. But God is good and His goodness demands payment for wrongs done.

In Conclusion

The ransom Jesus paid on the cross was for two reasons; to atone for our sins before a good God and secondly to demonstrate how much God loves us. “In this is manifest love that God sent His son to the Cross.” “God so loved the world that He sent His son..” This payment was a proof of how valuable you are.  



Take a few minutes and see if you can give a reasonable answer to the questions we started with;

1.       If Jesus was a ransom, who was paid?



2.       What was purchased with the ransom of Jesus?



If you can’t answer these questions, what further information is needed?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

RCA Leadership Handbook 5 The Person of the Holy Spirit

The Person of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force rather He is a member of the Godhead. The scriptures declare He has a will, emotions, and personal actions.

Key Verses

              Eph4:30  Grieve not the Holy Spirit by whom you have been sealed.

               1Cor12:11 The Spirit gives gifts as He wills.

                Jn14:26 When the Spirit comes from the Father, He will teach you all things.

Key Questions

1.       Is the Holy Spirit a force or a Person?

2.       What is the Christians relationship to the Holy Spirit?

Our belief on the Person of the Holy Spirit

There are several attributes of personhood. It is not just growth, movement and reproduction that qualify one for person. But a tree has the attributes and yet is not a person. What makes us different from all other characters in creation? It is that we have a will, emotions, the ability to communicate and act independently. The scripture reveals all these attributes to the Holy Spirit.

It is the Holy Spirit who “chose” Paul for the ministry. The Holy Spirit gives gifts as He “wills.” He knows the mind of God and searches the deep things.

The Holy Spirit can be grieved, or quenched or even vexed. We often feel the joy of the Spirit. Think of His fruits, are they not emotional? Joy, peace, and love.

The Bible is what the Holy Spirit spoke to its authors. He is the inspiration. Jesus taught; “to he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit is speaking.” Look through the book of Acts and see the Holy Spirit communicating clearly with those that seek God.

The Holy Spirit empowers believers. It is He who teaches and testifies of Jesus. He convicts the world. He teaches us all things. He acts. From creation to the resurrection of Jesus to His outpouring on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit has always been busy.

Jesus rightly referred to the Spirit with the personal pronoun “He.” When Jesus said; “I will pray to the Father and He will send Another…” the word “Another” means of the same essence and substance. Jesus comes to us through the person of the Holy Spirit, that will how Jesus will be “with us always” and “never leave us or forsake us.”

What great news that the Being who inspired the scriptures is our tutor! What comfort there is in knowing I am never alone, because a Someone is always with me!

The Dangers in Not attributing personhood to the Holy Spirit

It is insulting and quenching to speak as though the Holy Spirit does not have personhood. He hears.

It is bad theology to ignore His personhood. Seeing Him as but a force or wind or breath is to de-personalize God. It takes out Gods active hand in the world. For the Holy Spirit is Gods prime active agent. Claiming the Holy Spirit is not a person is saying God is not in the room. He does not hear, He does not see, He will not act.

Further it goes against “born again” theology. For we are born of His Spirit. We are led by the Spirit. There is quite a difference in being led by an intelligent person or simple breath.

In Conclusion

The Christian enjoys a wonderfully close relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit comes into our spirit and we know that we are children of God. He leads us and guides us in all truth. He empowers us and gifts us. He fills us. The Spirits fruits, His personality overflows through us. He convicts us. He is like a best friend, our Advocate, our Comforter. He is the part of God that comes into us. He understands us and He understands God.

Seeing the Holy Spirit as a person will help us talk to God. It will strengthen us to know that we can understand the things of God. It will greatly aid us in not grieving Him but rather having ears to hear what He is saying.

Take a few minutes and see if you can give a reasonable answer to the questions we started with;

1.       Is the Holy Spirit a force or a Person?




2.       What is the Christians relationship to the Holy Spirit?



If you can’t answer these questions, what further information is needed?

Monday, November 11, 2013

RCA Leadership Handbook 4 Christophanies


A Christophany is a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus. These were events in which Jesus came in a visible form before He was born of Mary in the manger.

Key Scriptures

                Jn8:56-58 Abraham rejoiced to see my day... Before Abraham was I am.
                Jn1:1 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God.
                Heb13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.
Key Questions
1.       Did Jesus exist before He came to earth?
2.       Who was Melchizedek?
Our understanding of Christophonies

Jesus is co-eternal with God. He has always existed. He was with God before the beginning. ”All things that were made were by Him” and “He holds all things together.” Because Jesus is God, that same in substance and essence we must acknowledge He has always been. So what was He doing between the time of creation until His incarnation? The Bible records several glimpses of Him interacting with people.

In saying that Jesus has always existed it should not be surprising that He made appearances on Earth before He was born of Mary. Melchizedek is an example of this. After Abraham won a great battle and saved the people of Sodom, Melchizedek seems to appear out of nowhere. He has no genealogy and there is no record of his death. He is the king of Salem (peace) and high priest to the highest God. In looking back, who is the King of peace and our high priest? Jesus. It is to Him that Abraham first tithes.

Angels will not receive praise (rev22:8-9). So on several occasions when we see the Angel of the Lord bowed down to worship we should take note. “Angel” is a being and/or job function. It means messenger. I sometimes hand my wife her mail but I am not a mailman. She could call me one in that moment because I fulfill that role. On the other hand there are people that are full time mail carriers and would call themselves by that tittle. Jesus is not an angel in form or in rank however there were occasions where He performed the duty of a messenger and is called “the Angel of the Lord.” These appearances include when Jesus came to Joshua as the commander of the Lords army, when He came to Manoah and received praise and an offering, and when Gideon was called.

It was before investigating Sodom and in telling Sarah that she would conceive that gave Jesus the right to say; “Abraham rejoiced to see my day.” Jesus had met Abraham on this occasion.

It was Jesus that wrestled in the night with Jacob. He was able to speak a divine blessing and was apparently “more than a man.” Jesus at times appeared to hint at His divine nature in some of these appearances. He was the fourth man in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, “one like the son of God.”  

From these occurrences we learn much about Jesus. We see Him as Gods messenger, as the Commander of the Lords army, as the One who calls us, the One that heals us, the One that changes us and the One that stands by us in the fire. These are foreshadowments. We see a fuller picture in the gospels and even fuller in the book of Revelation. The Christophanies are confirming to the identity of Jesus as revealed in the New Testament. They are important as they shine light on His nature and His desire to interact with humanity.


Without proper understanding of Chrisotphanies we are very prone to angel worship. If the Angel of the Lord was not Jesus we will think too highly of angelic beings. Christophaneis connect Jesus with all the scripture. He was present in the creation and in calling the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). He was a friend to Abraham and a saver of the Jewish people on several occasions. He always was. This aids in establishing the doctrine that Jesus was and is 100% God.

Driving it home

Take a few minutes and see if you can give a reasonable answer to the questions we started with;

1.       Did Jesus exist before He came to earth?
2.       Who was Melchizedek?  

If you can’t answer these questions, what further information is needed?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

RCA Leadership Handbook 3 Forgiven Completely

Forgiven completely

To forgive is to pardon. It is to set free. A practical definition is to; “let go of my right to hurt you for hurting me.”

Key Scriptures

Ps113:12 as far as the east is from the west so has he removed our transgressions.

Heb10:14 For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.

2cor5:21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Isa43:25 I am He who blots out your sins and remembers them no more.

Key questions

1.       Do I need to ask for forgiveness after each time I sin?

2.       How do I know if I am going to heaven for sure?

Our understanding of forgiveness

We have all broken Gods laws therefore we are under judgment of His wrath (1). Until we put our faith in what Jesus did on the cross we are like a guilty man in the county jail awaiting sentencing. It is currently, presently, either we are abiding under fear and condemnation or we have forgiveness and eternal life.

Jesus is our substitute. He took the full wrath of God for us on the cross. There is no double jeopardy. There is no wrath left for you. It is not Jesus and your penitence or good deeds or not bad deeds. How arrogant? To think you could supplement the cross, like you could take a drop from the cup of wrath.

God does keep records of every deed, word and thought but those who are forgiven have all their sins blotted out. They are paid in full by the blood of Jesus.  Not only did Jesus take your sinful place to forgive you. That is only half of the exchange; He shares His position in Heaven with you. We will sit on thrones. We will judge the nations and the angels. What a deal! He not only takes our bad but gives us His good.

Forgiveness is more than exoneration. That is the beginning but in that same moment God sends His Spirit into our heart. This is what it is to be born again. This is what it is to be “adopted” into His family. We become joint heirs with Jesus. We then have the Son and the life of the Son. These things are written that we might know that we have eternal life. “The Spirit bears witness with our spirit and we know that we are the sons of God.” If you don’t know, you better know. It is either because you did not understand or you have not experienced. You will have spiritual life if you are forgiven. Do you have an appetite for the things of God? Are you growing more like Him? Do you like His family (church)? His word?

Jesus only died once for all our sins. All your sins, past, present and future were dealt with at the same time, on the cross. When you prayed for forgiveness He heard you. He heard you once and forever. You can only be born again once. In that moment you changed categories. Not from bad to good but rather from outsider to insider, from stranger to family, from guilty to innocent, from spiritually dead to spiritually alive. You do not have to keep asking.

There are carnal minds and immature Christians that would seek to abuse God’s grace. “God forbid” we continue to sin because we are not under his wrath. We should not frustrate the good mercy of God. If we have this attitude I would question if we were ever born again. Living free from sin is far more enjoyable. Sin is but a cheap imitation to what God has freely blessed us with. God’s forgiveness is from His punitive wrath is not other people’s wrath or natural consequences. An STD or a burglary or your car breaking down is not God’s wrath. They are the natural happens. Your sins and other people’s sins make hardships happen. Whiling violating Gods laws after being forgiven will not send you to Hell (God’s wrath) it will have negative impacts on earth and you may incur Gods disciple.

If I saw someone trying to seriously hurt my kids I would do my best to destroy them. They would incur my wrath. It may be death or maiming. It would be bad. But much differently from that is when my kids misbehave, I disciple them. They are still my kids, even when act poorly. They have been born of me. They look more and more like me, they act more and more like me. Of course their bad behavior is forgiven, I love them no matter what because they are my family. Their life goes better when they follow my rules. When they don’t; their bottom gets hurt, toys get taken away, and life is less enjoyable.


Gods forgiveness is complete and in a moment. He stands outside of time. He sees the end from the beginning. Looking back on the cross that took all of your sins reminds us to value Jesus as our substitute.

Driving it home

Take a few minutes and see if you can give a reasonable answer to the questions we started with;

1.       Do I need to ask for forgiveness after each time I sin?


2.       How do I know if I am going to heaven for sure?


If you can’t answer these questions, what further information is needed?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

RCA Leadership Handbook 2 Homiletics


Homiletics is the method of preaching. It is a systematic way of disseminating information in a public forum.

Key Scriptures                  

2tim4:2 Preach the word in season and out.

                                Mt13:34 Jesus did not teach without a parable.

                                1tim4:13 Give attention to the public reading of the word, preaching and teaching.

Key Questions answered

1.       What kind of sermons does your pastor preach?

2.       Should it be difficult to understand the minister’s sermons?

Our Homiletic

RCA uses a “Three point exegetical” method of preaching. This is the frame of the Sunday sermons. Three points meaning there is one main idea broken down into three major points. Generally these three points are further broken down into three minor points. This provides the skeleton for each message. Sermons should not be difficult to understand if the points are articulate and well thought out. Often they are written in a clever or similar sounding way as to be memorable. It should be like eating thanksgiving dinner, each dish is clear, separate, fits into the meal, and delicious.

Exegetical is most important. Exegetical means to “pull out of.” We originate each message is a text. This is the difference between us and most popular preaching which starts with a topic or story. Using proper “Hermeneutics” we dissect the history, grammar and context to gain proper understanding. We pull out of so that we are agreeing with what the Bible says.

A few rules

1.       Every sermon needs at least one good point.

2.       Always have a text. Start with the text. Then cross reference and lastly illustrate.

3.       Use lots of illustrations. It makes things relatable and simple. This is how Jesus taught.

Danger of bad

With bad homiletics the issue is weak sermons or convoluted messages. When people walk away from a service and don’t understand the preachers point or think it is not worth applying this is often a reflection of the homiletics of the minister.


Other Homiletics

1.       Topical- this is where the speaker starts with a topic. They will generally use a systematic method of study. This will seem to have many text or no text but not one main text in which the history and context is taken into account.

2.       Story- this is where the speaker starts with a story. Generally something that happened to them or something cleaver they heard. The entire message is then build with that as the frame rather than a Biblical text.


As evangelicals we believe the Bible is the word of God. As such, no other source or experience is on its level. Therefore all preaching must start with the Bible. We are to have Gods content as our content. Three points are used to help communicate the exegesis.

Driving it home

Take a few minutes and see if you can give a reasonable answer to the questions we started with;

1.       What kind of sermons does your pastor preach?



2.       Should it be difficult to understand the minister’s sermons?



If you can’t answer these questions, what further information is needed?