Ben Lozano is running Air it out flag football at RCA 4075 Twining St. Riverside, Ca. Call 951 2882393 to get involved.
4-4, no blocking, Co-Ed.
50 yard field, 5 yard end zones, and first down at mid field. The offense starts with the ball on the 3 yard line, ball must be hiked. offense gets 3 downs to cross mid field then 3 more if they do. qb may not run the ball past the line of scrimmage, those who receive a hand off or pitch may. No Blocking. upon scoring a 6pt touch down, the offense choses to go for 1 from 3 yards or 2 from 7 yards.If the defense stops the offense from getting to mid field or touch down, they start with the ball on the 3 yard line. defenders blitzing must start 7 yards from line of scrimmage or at the midfield line or beginning of the endzone. No returns on interceptions, the ball changes possession where it is caught.
this is a fun, fast paced game that everyone can enjoy.